Feedback on Boss Rush

Mercalla Posts: 94
I enjoy the new reward tier within the alliance, it compels the individual to contribute more which is great and I hope gets incorporated into the other boss events.

What needs some serious tweaking is the rate of escalating difficulty. I have an early 3* champ roster, and it's rendered completely useless after just the 2nd round. The best I can do is get the 2nd wave boss to half health, but I usually die in the first wave.

This is not fun at all, and actually kinda rage-inducing. Please PLEASE adjust this so we can actually win the early rounds.

Props for double iso, the anniversary tokens, and ability fixes for weak characters!


  • greenglove
    greenglove Posts: 111 Tile Toppler
    My alliance is in round 4, and the difficulty is ridiculous. My chomped and boosted Kingpin was manhandled by IM who's seemed able to fire off his red about 8 times in a row. This round is already unbeatable by my champed 4 stars.
  • Lampo
    Lampo Posts: 121 Tile Toppler
    Same here.
    I've got several champed 3* and the maximum I can do is struggle (to lose) against the Bosses of the third level.

    Also, with such a high level of difficulty, how come that the top prize is a THREE STAR??????
  • Yo devs,

    Was this whole anniversary deal supposed to be fun?
  • Failbot
    Failbot Posts: 27 Just Dropped In
    Anniversary is not supposed to be fun. If you can, look back at last year and how not fun it was. Last year they were barely even giving rewards and they had to comp us for being bad at anniversary time being a celebration.
  • limonade
    limonade Posts: 41 Just Dropped In
    I am frustrated.

    I am struggling with this event because the way I normally play Marvel Puzzle Quest is not what the Boss Rush event is asking of me. After Round 5, I feel that the event is asking me to lose to the three Bosses everytime! Which in turn pushes me to use my allotted 10 health pack, while attempting to complete all rewards within 3 days time.

    What I do not understand is what purpose this event plays. Is it to lose a lot in this event and use all of 10 health packs? This strategy is not letting me play this game as often as I would normally play. Looking at the forums, there's no difference in strategy when in comparison to other events. Just keep playing. Also let me be clear:

    I am strongly opposed to this "You are suppose to lose" mentality that's pushed in this game.

    Stop it. Add to the fact that we are competing amongst our team and that these battles are effectively no longer a collective experience which makes me feel like not want to continue with this event, no matter how appealling the rewards are. Because I then have to be very selective with my Health. I also am doing Versus mode and waiting for the next mission nodes.

    After Round 4, it became difficult to win the Boss Matches. These losses of my high tier character would have me use my health pack. It does not feel fair to lose and have to intentionally use health pack to get far enough into these boss battles to make it worth while. Especially if there's no strategical element for this event in a PUZZLE game.
  • fnedude
    fnedude Posts: 383 Mover and Shaker
    This sort of event also screws those that can play only 1x a day, because it's pitting me against my own alliance (it's not group progression).

    My Alliance finished Civil War: Iron Man, and then completed CW: Capt. America to rnd 5, as a group. So even if I can only play 1x a day, my alliance picked up the slack a kicked butt.

    But this time, I'd be lucky to get to Rnd 5 (and get spit for rewards....).

    So this format BLOWS for those us that can only play 1x a day (work/RL you know).
  • I manage to round 7 in boss rush, now can't event get pass hulk the scaling is definitely off and needs to be rebalanced.
  • Jones4al
    Jones4al Posts: 6 Just Dropped In
    When I got to round 8 the points for defeating the boss is 9000
  • Okay, so I had it wrong in my OP. I thought we were going to all contribute as an alliance to our overall progress, similar to civil war. That's not how this is setup and so the individual ranking of my progress vs others in my alliance is a really bad idea. If we have an alliance event, it should be about working together and not against each other.
  • This event is a joke. The difficulty is ridiculous. Also, why do these bosses have different powers than mine do? If the character isn't good enough for your event without changing their powers, you need to give me those same powers.

    This event has really made me consider quitting this game to be honest. Do you guys even pay attention when you make these events? Is there no oversight? Get it together would you please?
  • Big celebration events are supposed to be fun, big fun. Rewards as far as the eye can see, a lighter pace, fun at every turn. At least that is how every other game in the world handles them. Boss rush makes me not want to play. In round 6 (scaling is absurd...) its a **** shoot if OML dies or goes ape turn 3 and wipes me between cascades and asinine ability damage and if I do make it to Phoenix... lol wiped turn 1 when I was 3/4 health or more with all 3 alive. Then its vs my alliance (for a mowhawk storm??? for first? Wow!!!!) Instead of cumulative for Peggy covers that everyone is sick of not having? Some celebration... 2/3 of my alliance has given up, save themselves the rage that this event is causing. I've got that heroic token on lock. *sigh*
    I did get one... lol... Dino cover at least.

    You look forward to this time all year and get this... how depressing.
  • The best tinykitten part, is that while I can't touch gg.. he heals, so that I get no credit for getting wiped.
  • olpata
    olpata Posts: 1 Just Dropped In
    i have champed 3-stars. I have got to 6 round.
    It was good expirience.
    Most part of bosses was challenge. Get first 4-star cover reward was difficult, but doable. Only iron man was too strong imho (due to his ironman-bots).
    Separated score progression was good choice too imho. I think a lot people with low level characters was hurt by too fast ending of first rounds in previous boss-events.