Possible bug with "boss" Green Goblin

bigsmooth Posts: 375 Mover and Shaker
Playing Boss Rush and Green Goblin used Trick Or Treat to create 3 blue countdown tiles. His passive yellow (Goblin King) then fortified the tiles.
I used Steve Rogers (Super Soldier) red Star-Spangled Avenger on one of the fortified countdown tiles. As expected, the tile changed from a blue enemy CD to a friendly red CD.
However, it remained fortified, and neither Green Goblin (who was in front) or his henchmen took any damage. I don't think this is the expected behavior.


  • SirLanik
    SirLanik Posts: 345 Mover and Shaker
    The tile remaining fortified is correct. Changing what type of tile a tile is doesn't change it status of being fortified. Not taking any damage IS unusual though. I was unable to duplicate this bug on my Green Goblin battles- when I did the same, both he and his minions properly took damage.