Points in boss rush event not equal?

Sm0keyJ0e Posts: 730 Critical Contributor
We have cross-checked several alliances and have confirmed that folks have cleared the boss and side nodes in EXACTLY the same order but have received different points. For example, in our alliance two of us are at 51122 and 6 of us are at 54112. Looking at other alliances many are reporting the same thing.


  • Tuttle0606
    Tuttle0606 Posts: 18 Just Dropped In
    I've completed all side node and the boss fights and I'm 8k behind the leaders.
  • ngoni
    ngoni Posts: 112 Tile Toppler
    In the early rounds if you do the wave nodes first you'll get into the next round faster. This makes the boss node worth more and you'll have a higher score. Noticeable difference now, but will be a rounding error by the end.
  • mr_X
    mr_X Posts: 375 Mover and Shaker
    Same here less points for a perfect clear. Well lost one of the characters to an ultron bomb in round three but overall took down all nodes and bosses so far. Still less points awarded. 8k
  • ngoni wrote:
    In the early rounds if you do the wave nodes first you'll get into the next round faster. This makes the boss node worth more and you'll have a higher score. Noticeable difference now, but will be a rounding error by the end.

    This makes sense. I did the wave nodes last and came out 8k behind.
  • nyck1118
    nyck1118 Posts: 106 Tile Toppler
    Same thing happened to me. I completed the Winter Soldier node but the points show 620 still. every other sub node is blank when finished.

    I am exactly 620 pts behind every one else who did the same as I did and won all clears

    Picture of difference:
  • Figure15
    Figure15 Posts: 284 Mover and Shaker
    I noticed after finishing node 2 the boss didn't open. Force quit fixed it. Played as per normal and have 54122.