Facebook saves dangerously broken

freakygeek Posts: 96 Match Maker
This morning on R111 I played on my iPad for a while. I cashed in a bunch of tokens. I then switched to my Android phone to head out. All the tokens were uncashed. I cashed them in again and, played a simple match in the PVE and then force closed the app. On the iPad half of the tokens were cashed in. I cashed them in, played a simple match and force closed. They were all still uncashed in on the Android phone. Both systems were on R111 and both were showing Facebook saves as checked.

I am staying on a single device until this is fixed and so should everyone else.


  • Walter2017
    Walter2017 Posts: 9 Just Dropped In
    I had a similar issue, received 4* Luke Cage for hitting 800 in SHIELD sim on one device, switched to another and he's gone. I'd had FB saving selected on both devices but somewhere along the way the app decided to unselect it.
  • Arks
    Arks Posts: 27 Just Dropped In
    I had the same thing happen, I thought it was a rollback but I guess it's just a save error. I champed a character and leveled with several covers, game crashed and when I logged in later that night he was not champed and the covers were back in queue. But I also noticed it didn't seem to register that I had hit 42000+ in Simulator and wasn't awarded the command points (my player score is higher than 42000 but the CP rewards is not checked off). Also when I logged back in I didn't have enough ISO to champ him again (meaning it didn't save the last few nodes of Simulator that I beat that gave me enough ISO to promote).

    You should submit a bug report/ticket. I am trying to explain to customer service icon_lol.gif , maybe they'll see something is wrong if there's enough reports.
  • Nightglider1
    Nightglider1 Posts: 703 Critical Contributor
    I only play on one device, and FB saves have been working fine here. Until this gets sorted out, however, it might be a good idea to stick with only one device instead of playing on multiples. CS might get it in their heads that you were trying to exploit the system or something. (Note: Not accusing anyone of anything, just pointing out a possible negative issue with this.)
  • FaustianDeal
    FaustianDeal Posts: 760 Critical Contributor
    Rewards are often fragile in a way that can be upsetting. I go to Yosemite every Thanksgiving and, through a peculiarity of their high-latency Wi-Fi service (and an absence of cellular data) I can count on getting "error accessing SHIELD servers" messages several times during a play session. Often the only way to restore service is with a force quit on the app - and (for 2 years) this has been *GUARANTEED* to erase anything that happened to my roster in the last 5-15 minutes.

    I would lose:
    placement and progression prizes awarded
    tokens/iso/covers received from loot drops on nodes
    tokens that were opened would become tokens again
    character levels would be undone
    trained covers would come off - going back into inventory, going back to being an awarded token (like they hadn't been opened), or vanishing altogether
    PVE was especially perilous, because nodes that had been unlocked would re-lock. in order to make progress I would need to re-play the node to unlock it again, but the MPQ server (which tracks points) knew I had already played the node so I was forced to sacrifice points to fully unlock PVE maps.

    I'm not sure how the saves are structured, but there are clearly synchronization issues that arise between: the MPQ Server hosting matches, the Facebook cloud holding your roster backup, and your client device(s).

    You might want to also double-check if any of those other things are happening to you as you switch devices.

    Another thing to warn you of: glitchy facebook saves is sometimes cited as a way to "accidentally" collect rewards multiple times. (This happens in other games too.) I have had friends (in other games) get sandboxed if their account double-books too many rewards - under the assumption this is being used as an exploit rather than an honest mistake. (I don't always know if that was a correct assumption or not.) It was leveraged here in a Legendary Token exploit that got some people in a spot of trouble.