Odd Number of Hero Points

Afrothunder Posts: 14 Just Dropped In
I currently have 470 Hero Points. I'm not really sure how that is possible since in the past I have always had HP in increments of 25. I purchased HP while it was on sale last week. Would this be the cause? I can't really do anything with the 20 extra HP (or 5 fewer HP depending on how you look at it) that I know of.

Anyone else have this happen?


  • JHawkInc
    JHawkInc Posts: 2,603 Chairperson of the Boards
    Yes. I have the exact same problem. HP always moves in increments of 25 (whether awarded or spent), and I have an extra 20 that just sits there and makes the math a tiny bit harder to mentally calculate.

    Here's the thing. I bought HP during the Anniversary Sale in 2015. Last year. Not this year.

    To be fair, I've never sought out a correction/fix for it in any way, but I can also say nothing they've done in a year fixed it, either (like, if you could get HP 5 at a time as a reward somewhere, it wouldn't matter anymore).
  • panglossian
    panglossian Posts: 15 Just Dropped In
    Yes, I'm glad it's not just me (and glad I'm not imagining it).

    I raised a ticket with d3go about it because I bought some HP in this sale, at least partially to get my HP back to a round number again, which it did... albeit briefly.

    Anyway, it was "solved" with no explanation; then when I pushed back, I was patted on the head and told that it gets like that when you buy HP in a sale. "Get back to us if it changes to 'not a multiple of 5'."

    I gave up at that point and resigned myself to being slightly off round numbers for the rest of the time I play this game. What's a bit annoying is that I have no idea if I've lost or gained HP here...

    [in-game: nursemaximum]
  • FaustianDeal
    FaustianDeal Posts: 760 Critical Contributor
    I have a similar issue where I have a stray '15' HP taking me off the easy maths. Mine (I'm fairly certain) came from buying during a bonus sale, and the bonus applied to either:
    "Logan's Loonies" (2900)
    15% --> 435
    20% --> 580
    30% --> 870

    "Agency Expenses" (600)
    15% --> 90
    20% --> 120
    30% --> 180

    (Back when I spent in small increments... oh for simpler days.)

    There are a few ways a purchase during a sale could knock you off the 'pretty math'. And its hard to get yourself back on the track after the fact... that's for certain.
  • panglossian
    panglossian Posts: 15 Just Dropped In
    Yeah, I skimmed the topic, got excited that someone else had seen the problem, submitted my post, and then read it properly and realised that it wasn't the same as my problem at all, and I could still be imagining the whole thing.

    It's looking increasingly likely, actually. Dammit.

    [in-game: nursemaximum]
  • Quebbster
    Quebbster Posts: 8,070 Chairperson of the Boards
    The only thing I am aware of where you can spend HP in other increments is when you recall a teamup. I Think it would just be simpler to have the sale increase in even 25 increments though.