Known Issue: Players Not Receiving Rewards *Updated

David [Hi-Fi] Moore
David [Hi-Fi] Moore Posts: 2,872 Site Admin
*Update 3:33 PM PDT 10/10/16

Hey all,

We were able to successfully identify and address the issue. The RRRRAAAWWWR! Versus event was only giving players a reward the first three times they played a specific mission (the top, left and right missions count as different missions). A fix correcting the error will go out in the 10/11 daily patch.

Thanks for hanging in there with us as we sort this out.


Hi everyone.

The dev team are looking into the issue where players are sometimes not receiving rewards in events. We'll let you know as soon as we can when a solution has been found and can be implemented. We apologize for the inconvenience.


  • Walter2017
    Walter2017 Posts: 9 Just Dropped In
    Hi David, it's not just the Devil Dino event, I'm also missing a reward from SHIELD Simulator and from overall progress in the anniversary event. Thanks.
  • shwebsi
    shwebsi Posts: 20 Just Dropped In
    Will there be compensation for this issue? We're missing out on a lot of iso
  • boomshaka40
    boomshaka40 Posts: 14 Just Dropped In
    Thanks Hi-Fi,

    While this fix will help those in later slices, those of us in s1 will have missed out on an entire event of 2x iso by the time the patch rolls out. Will D3 or the devs acknowledge those of us who played in s1 at all?
  • itstime1234
    itstime1234 Posts: 369 Mover and Shaker
    Thanks Hi-Fi,

    While this fix will help those in later slices, those of us in s1 will have missed out on an entire event of 2x iso by the time the patch rolls out. Will D3 or the devs acknowledge those of us who played in s1 at all?

    Yeah but the first event was 2x iso too so it evens out. JK, S1 got hosed, but pretty sure everyone will get same reward unfortunately.
  • I placed t20 in the Sim Event, will I be getting my two covers that were not received? Now I can't possibly place anything in Venom Bomb because I don't have the required character. icon_question.gif
  • FaustianDeal
    FaustianDeal Posts: 760 Critical Contributor
    I'm still holding out hope... Any word on an attempt being made to restore rewards lost to this issue?
  • madsalad
    madsalad Posts: 815 Critical Contributor
    I'm just going to submit my ticket so I can get the response, "Due to this issue being wide spread, we are unable to offer compensation to players on an individual level. It would be unfair to credit one player without crediting all players affected by the issue. Therefore, if there is to be a compensation, it will be en mass, and it will be announced on the forums," like they told me for the loss of ones week's worth of FB rewards.
  • MarvelM wrote:
    I placed t20 in the Sim Event, will I be getting my two covers that were not received? Now I can't possibly place anything in Venom Bomb because I don't have the required character. icon_question.gif

    I am highly enraged now, the ridiculous team you have in customer support has closed my ticket saying "Problem Solved". Problem not solved I'm still missing my Gwenpool covers! WTH devs! Is this how you treat players that regularly support your game. If so, maybe a lot of us should find a new game that has an understanding support staff that will give their players the rewards they rightfully earned if the game robs them of this because of their own faults!!! icon_mad.gificon_mad.gificon_question.gificon_question.gif
  • Just though I'd chime in again. Still no rewards from the Sim event. Thanks for nothing Customer Service!!