OMG the bugs!

IlyaF Posts: 47
D3/Demiurge, please, please invest in some QA. The game is fun, and I've been playing for over 1000 days, but the bugs are killing me.


- Had trouble accessing sub 3 of Simulator. Went to bed without being able to play it (which means I lost out on some points). It was back when I woke up.
- In the evening, beat all Simulator nodes 6 times, then later logged in again and the last 5 nodes (the hardest ones) were back to uncompleted. The XP I gained for beating them was gone too. Stangely, some other actions I did in PVP AFTER I beat those nodes (gain points, buy shield) were preserved.
- Venom Bomb sub 1 - unavailable again, just like Sim sub 3. Accessing Shield Server. Whatever. Went to bed without playing it again.

This morning:

Venom bomb is back, got the popup teliing me I got my prizes for BFF PVP, including 2 Gwenpool covers (one from alliance rewards). Played Venom Bomb, got to Gwenpool essential node, and realized I never actually got the Gwenpool covers. They are not in the roster, nowhere to be found. So now I can't even play that node.

Come on, I know you said that you test, but you need to test a lot more than you do. This is simply unacceptable.


  • I also lost a gwenpool cover due to these shenanigans. I actually rostered mine, used the hero points and everything, and after a few client restarts my Venom Bomb Sub 1 opened and I got to clearing. Finally got to the Gwenpool node and surprise surprise no Gwenpool. The slot I had purchased and the HP spent accordingly were reverted too. Make sure you get in a support ticket, hopefully they'll be able to fix it.
  • ngoni
    ngoni Posts: 112 Tile Toppler
    Don't forget PvP battles giving out no end of match rewards. Just. Like. Last. Year.
  • Uthgarprime
    Uthgarprime Posts: 202 Tile Toppler
    Plus they have a purchase bug, tried to buy a stark bundle, they sure did charge me, but I have not received the HP. And others are having problems with VIP.
    They don't really care about bugs as long as us morons keep throwing money at them. This is the last straw for me. No more money cause I can earn enough HP for my roster slots.