Simulator and DDQ stuck last 15 hours

an1979 Posts: 463 Mover and Shaker
My Simulator round 3 and DeadpoolDaily are not opening.

After finishing round 2 I couldn't start round 3 waited a few hours nothing.
And I still can't 15 and a half HOURS later.
(My PC didn't work all the time - I couldn't left if for a few hours to "maybe fix itself"...)

I'm 101 - so no 4* Gwenpools prize for me now!
I'm gonna get "kicked" from my t100 alliance. Nice icon_rolleyes.gif
Here's go a second one.

I can't make full progression so no 25CP for me too.
Nor extra double full's day ISO.

Ditto for DDQ.

The question is where is the support ticket for PC users?
I submitted one from support page - but as it is iOS/Android I'm affraid I will be ignored completely.

Picture showing my "spinning" conections:

DDQ opened at last after more than an hour of waiting.

EDIT2 (even later)
With ~6 hours left Round 3 opened for me.
I'm "only" 635th now (after first fight) and 20k points behind, not to mention that means practicaly one full clear behind quite a few people. Lovely...

I wonder how many people without advice "I left it for a few hours and it connected for me in the end" not reading forums gave up... icon_question.gif


  • eddidit
    eddidit Posts: 86 Match Maker
    Same here it's been accessing S.H.I.E.L.D servers all day, I hasn't even connected once in the past 12 hours.