Juggernaut not getting 200% when matching tiles

edited November 2013 in MPQ General Discussion
After updating to the latest patch just now, I played a round of my FFA and I noticed that both the red and green tiles were not Juggeranut tiles as they usually are. Therefore I'm not getting the 200% bonus when matching those colors. I run a Storm 2*, Iron Man 1*, Jugg 1* atm. Oh, his abilities are fine, they still get the 200%. Also, the bonus for matching black tiles is working as well. I'm top 2 atm in a race with Awesome-O :p

Edit: I apologize for not noticing the thread that already reported this problem.


  • This is very annoying icon_e_sad.gif
  • Yeah, I wish it patched AFTER the FFA tourney atleast :/ ... trying to stay @ 1000+ tourney points is super tough, I only have a chance cause of my maxed out Jugg. If not for him then there is no way I can keep up with 70+ thor's and storm's
  • This tournament is probably over for those of us who were relying on our high level Jugg icon_e_sad.gif

    I'm sure they recognize their error and I guess we will see how they handle it.
  • Edit: Nuked what I wrote... Juggy isn't doing damage from the back line. It's just hideously broken.
  • It looks like that the character that does the damage for a particular color is the character that has the highest damage, prior to the boost. I notice that my Iron Man 40 when paired with certain other characters with higher base red/yellow/blue will attack.

    So I have spider man at level 75 with higher base damage with blue then Iron man model 40, so I'm doing like 38 damage per tile instead of the 100+ per tile that Iron Man model 40 has.
  • So is this by design or an accident? Will future character tournament buffs be handled the same way or will this be "fixed"?

    I didn't see any mention of this in the patch notes.