Missing Covers

Roadkill123 Posts: 13
After my Listed as 'away' bug has been fixed, I find that I am missing about 14 covers from 14 different characters and 2 characters (about 5 covers for these 2 characters alone). This means I lost 2 slots as well!

I am not sure what happened and how they're supposed to give those back to me (together with the iso-8 points lost from my leveling up those characters)!!!!

This has severely affected my game play for Thick as Thieves sub-event! arghhhhhhh!!!!!!!!!


  • Ding
    Ding Posts: 179
    Yup, that's why I warned you in the other thread that you created about the same issue.
  • So I don't get my covets back?!?! After I read your post, I logged into the game and that's what happened!