Need advice on compensation offer.

Bloody_Marvel Posts: 209 Tile Toppler
Hi all,

I need advice on what you think would be appropriate compensation for a game malfunction.

I lost 7000 Iso-8, 2x 3* covers, 50 HP, and 23 XP due to an unexplained score reset. D3 Go! are offering 2 CP as compensation.

The whole story:
On Saturday September 24 my phone broke. I replaced it with a new phone the same day and reinstalled MPQ.

On Sunday I was playing Fist Bump, Deadpool's Daily, and Luck be a Lady. I had gotten Fist Bump up to 800, completed DDQ, and all the nodes in Luck be a Lady to 5/6, when at one point I noticed that the 700 and 800 Fist Bump awards were no longer checked, DDQ was reset though it did list my score as 15000 points, and all the nodes were back down to 4/6. All the rewards I had earned in the meantime were gone.

I replayed DDQ and Luck be a Lady and earned the rewards for those nodes again, but didn't get the 2000 Iso-8 reward for completing DDQ anymore since my score was already listed as 15000. Fist Bump had finished by then so I couldn't play that again.

After a week of back and forth where D3 Go! kept insisting that I was playing on multiple devices, even though I explained multiple times that I only have one device capable of running MPQ, I received a reply stating that they can't resend the points lost because of this issue and it's the player's responsibility to practice safe device switching habits. They are offering 2 CP as compensation for the loss of points.

Assuming D3 Go! can only offer compensation in CP, do you feel 2 CP is fair compensation for 7000 Iso-8, 50 HP, 23 XP and 2x 3* covers? If not, what do you think fair and realistic compensation would be in this case?


  • Hyposphere6234
    Hyposphere6234 Posts: 160 Tile Toppler
    Your story is as much to go on with the information they receive. My phone broke a year ago which ended up with me reinstalling MPQ on a second phone but had no issues.

    But issues do arise. Bugs do happen and circumstances are different with each device and version.

    But the one thing I will point out is that you started this message about how your phone broke and had to replace it to play MPQ. When called out about your account being on more than one device you deny it.

    "After a week of back and forth where D3 Go! kept insisting that I was playing on multiple devices, even though I explained multiple times that I only have one device capable of running MPQ"

    You had a device which broke, you replaced it and said that only one of the two devices is capable.of running MPQ despite being able to play it on the replaced device. You are suddenly confused by your complaints about you using this on another device despite your admitting too using it on more than one device. I may be stupid but I like to think multiple means more than one.

    If anything two command points is more than generous and this post is an insult to D3's customer services.
  • Ding
    Ding Posts: 179
    Your story is as much to go on with the information they receive. My phone broke a year ago which ended up with me reinstalling MPQ on a second phone but had no issues.

    But issues do arise. Bugs do happen and circumstances are different with each device and version.

    But the one thing I will point out is that you started this message about how your phone broke and had to replace it to play MPQ. When called out about your account being on more than one device you deny it.

    "After a week of back and forth where D3 Go! kept insisting that I was playing on multiple devices, even though I explained multiple times that I only have one device capable of running MPQ"

    You had a device which broke, you replaced it and said that only one of the two devices is capable.of running MPQ despite being able to play it on the replaced device. You are suddenly confused by your complaints about you using this on another device despite your admitting too using it on more than one device. I may be stupid but I like to think multiple means more than one.

    If anything two command points is more than generous and this post is an insult to D3's customer services.

    When they are talking about playing with multiple devices, they mean simultaneously. It is perfectly within the ToS to have the game installed on more than one device, but having it open on more than one device at the same time has been used in the past for glitches. Perhaps your lack of understanding has caused you to take the stance that you have.

    With regard to the OP, I don't understand why cp is the only way to fix this tbh. I've seen multiple people get sent covers, iso, tokens and every other currency. But, since you ask the question what would be the appropriate amount of cp to award you to cover your lost earnings, and taking into account that 3* covers cost 20cp in game, I would think that anything short of double digits would be rather insulting.
  • Bloody_Marvel
    Bloody_Marvel Posts: 209 Tile Toppler
    edited October 2016
  • Bloody_Marvel
    Bloody_Marvel Posts: 209 Tile Toppler
    Your story is as much to go on with the information they receive. My phone broke a year ago which ended up with me reinstalling MPQ on a second phone but had no issues.

    But issues do arise. Bugs do happen and circumstances are different with each device and version.

    But the one thing I will point out is that you started this message about how your phone broke and had to replace it to play MPQ. When called out about your account being on more than one device you deny it.

    "After a week of back and forth where D3 Go! kept insisting that I was playing on multiple devices, even though I explained multiple times that I only have one device capable of running MPQ"

    You had a device which broke, you replaced it and said that only one of the two devices is capable.of running MPQ despite being able to play it on the replaced device. You are suddenly confused by your complaints about you using this on another device despite your admitting too using it on more than one device. I may be stupid but I like to think multiple means more than one.

    If anything two command points is more than generous and this post is an insult to D3's customer services.

    Perhaps I didn't explain properly. I can understand that, when playing on two devices at the same time, or force closing the game on a device, this might result in loss of progress because the data wasn't saved to Facebook. This is also what D3 Go!'s customer service keeps referring to. However, this is not what happened.

    My old phone broke on Saturday, which I will concede can be seen as force closing the app. However, I loaded my Facebook save-game to my new phone on Saturday after the old phone had stopped working. So anything that may have happened with the old phone before loading the save-game should not affect my account a day later.

    Running multiple devices also wouldn't explain how the DDQ nodes had all been reset, but I still had a score of 15000. That, to me, would indicate software malfunction, and not anything I did that would cause the software to malfunction.

    I had no issues with the game on Saturday. I also had no issues on Sunday until the game was reset midday by a couple of hours. And I haven't had any issues since. I don't have another device capable of running MPQ. No other phones, no tablets, and I'm not running MPQ on a PC or laptop either.

    I'm also not sure how my post is an insult to customer service. I described what I experienced, and answered any and all questions they asked to the best of my ability. However they keep coming back to the issue being caused by running the game on multiple devices, which I explained repeatedly is not the case. I'm running the game on a new device because the old one stopped working.

    I respect your opinion if you feel that 2 CP is more than generous if that opinion is based on the above situation, but I think you've misunderstood my original post.
  • OneLastGambit
    OneLastGambit Posts: 1,963 Chairperson of the Boards
    I feel the only fair compensation is to recieve what you lost.

    My advice is in future when you notice an issue, screen shot it and submit as evidence.

    If I had lost all those things and were offered 2cp I would not accept it. If they gave me what I lost then offered 2cp on top of that then I would consider that acceptable.
  • Bloody_Marvel
    Bloody_Marvel Posts: 209 Tile Toppler
    I feel the only fair compensation is to recieve what you lost.

    My advice is in future when you notice an issue, screen shot it and submit as evidence.

    If I had lost all those things and were offered 2cp I would not accept it. If they gave me what I lost then offered 2cp on top of that then I would consider that acceptable.

    Unfortunately there was little evidence of the reset itself or what I lost. The only evidence I have are screenshots of the unfinished nodes in DDQ with a score of 15000, and the screen with 15000 points reached but the award not checked off. I did attach those to the ticket.
  • Hyposphere6234
    Hyposphere6234 Posts: 160 Tile Toppler
    I would like to apologise for my original reply, it was misplaced and unwarranted.
  • Ding
    Ding Posts: 179
    I would like to apologise for my original reply, it was misplaced and unwarranted.

    That's extremely big of you.
  • I have the same issue about the game resetting but the points can no longer be earned since I already played it. I lost about 14 covers + 2 characters (about 5 covers here). I only play on 1 device so this is a big issue for me. D3 said they won't compensate me, I'm still arguing with them. If they don't give those back, I'll probably just stop paying the game. It's not worth all the efforts/ time I've spent to be treated this way.
  • Nightglider1
    Nightglider1 Posts: 703 Critical Contributor
    Ding wrote:
    I would like to apologise for my original reply, it was misplaced and unwarranted.

    That's extremely big of you.

    It's rare, but every now and then folks on the internet step up and do the decent thing.
  • Bloody_Marvel
    Bloody_Marvel Posts: 209 Tile Toppler
    Apparently's response is to simply close the ticket without any explanation.

    Speaking of insulting...
  • Bloody_Marvel
    Bloody_Marvel Posts: 209 Tile Toppler
    Just to update:

    It's taken about a month, and a request for someone else to review my ticket since I got absolutely nowhere with representative 'RBK', but I finally got compensation by 'TJM'.

    My loss of:
    7,000 Iso-8
    50 HP
    2x 3* covers

    was compensated with:
    4,500 Iso-8
    2x Taco Tokens (Savory)
    2 CP.

    While I'm obviously relieved that my ticket has finally been taken seriously, the fact that it took a month of e-mailing to get compensated, no apologies were made for the mishandling of my ticket, and I still received (arguably) less than I lost has left a sour taste.

    I noticed more people have experienced similar problems. I suggest you stay at it and tell us your experiences with D3Go's customer service.
  • Bloody_Marvel
    Bloody_Marvel Posts: 209 Tile Toppler
    Final words:

    I replied to their confirmation of compensation to thank them, but also to let them know that I was disappointed that it had taken a month for them to set things right, and that I didn't receive full compensation.

    Well, TJM came through. Another 2000 Iso-8, the 50 HP, and the Iron Fist cover were compensated as well, and I received an apology for the mishandling of the ticket.

    Apparently the reset, and the rewards lost, could be confirmed in their system. Either RBK didn't know how to retrieve this information, or had overlooked it.

    I'm happy with the final resolution, and my confidence has been restored.
  • Astralgazer
    Astralgazer Posts: 267 Mover and Shaker
    So there's some kind of RNG about CS. If you get a good rep, your complaint will be addressed in a timely manner. If not, like the 10th red cover of an already 0/0/5 OML, you bite the bullet and try again.