Missing Hero Points

Annimousey Posts: 5 Just Dropped In
Hello there!

I'm an iOS user who is running iOS 10. My MPQ app is up-to-date. I decided to take advantage of the sale and I purchased two Hero Point packs at £14.99 each. I was credited with the HP but then my game crashed and when I went back in they were nowhere to be found and neither were the CPs that I was credited with for buying the HP. I haven't used the HP etc so I'm not sure where they have gone. icon_e_sad.gif

Has this happened to anyone else? I've submitted a ticket but I'm still waiting for a response. icon_e_sad.gif

Thank you in advance.


  • Annimousey
    Annimousey Posts: 5 Just Dropped In
    I got a reply back on Monday to send them proof of my purchases, which I've done but I haven't had anything since. :/
  • Did you have any development? A sililar thing happened to me. I am doubting they have customer service at all now. At this rate ill pay interest on my credit card before i get what i paid for
  • Same Here. I specifically bought HP to take advantage of the Anniversary bonus, and the vault. After submitting my purchase info on Thursday evening, I have heard nothing back. It should be a simple enough fix. I've supplied my purchase receipt, now check my account and verify I didn't receive what I paid for, and supply me with it. Frankly, it's unacceptable.
  • Annimousey
    Annimousey Posts: 5 Just Dropped In
    I finally got a reply on the 11th October saying they've credited me with the missing HP, but that was only after complaining to them on Twitter about the long wait for a reply etc.
  • Oh, I got a response saying that my HP and command points had been credited to my account. However, now my account has reverted back to a new account (losing all my shield ranks, covers, iso etc.) On top of that, it still doesn't even have the HP and command points, so I don't know what they did but it royally screwed me over. So I basically paid for them to make the game unplayable for me.
  • Annimousey
    Annimousey Posts: 5 Just Dropped In
    Ouch! I'd definitely complain! Do you have your game backed up to FB? Is it possible to restore it from there if you did?
  • After a 14 days wait, they answered me that they would not refund and to check with the seller. Of course steam says D3 is responsible. So ill get the steam transaction charged back and probably get my account blocked.