AI using Team Up for character on their roster

madsalad Posts: 815 Critical Contributor
Not completely sure if this is a bug but it definitely goes against the rules humans have to play by, so I am assuming the AI is supposed to play by the same rules.

Was playing a round and the AI had 3* Cyke in play. A few turns after I killed him I realized that the AI launched a TU for 3* Cyke "Mutant Revolution". Since players cannot add a TU to their loadout for a character they have on the team, shouldn't the AI have to abide by the same rules (regardless of the fact that the AI gets a "random" TU to play with -- shouldn't TUs from characters on the AI team be excluded from the random pool before choosing?)

I thought I had noticed this earlier but I chalked it up to me seeing things. This time around though I got screen shots. Sent a ticket with the screenshots.

Anyone else see this or is this a known bug?


  • JVReal
    JVReal Posts: 1,884 Chairperson of the Boards
    I've seen this happen in wave nodes. The TU doesn't seem to be restricted when it's a wave node... and the wave nodes can have the same character repeated in various waves.

    If it's a normal match, they cannot have the TU be the same as one of the characters, same as us. I imagine the only other exception is in the Gauntlet where they can circumvent the rules and have teams composed of characters we cannot put together.