Hidden PvP rank rewards?

timbopp Posts: 88
edited October 2016 in MPQ General Discussion
This short season I was able to finish top 5 in 3 events and top 10 in the other.
After the first Pvp I heard reports/ saw screenshots from other players that they had received elite tokens for their top 10 finish in the same event. I however did not receive any elite tokens, although I'm pretty sure I did get the heroic or recruit token they did for all 4 PvPs.
In the event I finished top 10 I did receive an elite token. After this I emailed CS to which they replied by saying that different players could be in different Clearance Levels (they weren't, we were all CL7) and different CLs have different rewards. I was also told that by finishing top 5, the 4* cover reward I won replaced the elite token.

So now I'm confused.

Firstly, looking at the rewards listing it says, for Rank 2-5 the prize is "Previous rank reward plus (the 4* cover)". Nothing is mentioned of the 4* cover reward replacing anything, quite the opposite.

Secondly, there is no mention of any additional token rewards. Are there additional token rewards? If so, is it because there isn't enough room to list them? If so, is there somewhere does list them?

As I said earlier, I'm confused. Any clarification would be appreciated.