Forced Update caused a loss in the middle of a game! Auugghh

Your update pop-up came up right in the middle of my battle with no way to cancel it out. After updating, I came back in to see I've lost one of my attempts fighting the opponent with a negative yield, as well as lost health points. Not a good way to roll-out your update.


  • Playing on a Samsung Galaxy S4 - Android 4.2

    I was in the middle of a game of "Free For All" with Juggernaut, under the Featured Event. Had two of the enemies down and the third was about to get a nice headbutt. NEW UPDATE AVAILABLE pops up in my face and the only way it appeared I could get out of it was to click the "Update Now" button.

    It sent me out to the website which then redirected to Googleplay. I tried to go back to the game without updating but the only option was to udpate. I updated and then came back to game. I see the same enemy with a red circle as an option to fight (he had originally attacked me first) but oooohhhhh what's this? All of his guys have full health and it appears the game counted our match as a loss for me. My guys are at the same health as when the battle froze because of the forced update (Juggernaut had 56 health left but I was going to sacrifice to finish the game).

    Now I have the option to fight him again at a reduced reward or to yield. VERY FRUSTRATING. I've been jumping between #8-#50'ish today (currently #33) so when you're doing matches where a deadline is approaching and every precious heal matters? No, no, and more no. Now I will have to less of a reward and waste a heal.

    Take it from a Network Admin – DON’T PUSH UPDATES while you have active games/connections. At least, not if this is the outcome. You need to have some way of stopping connections and let the rest drain off (maybe even giving a countdown warning – “Get off the system in xx amount of minutes”).

    Can I really complain when this game is free and I haven't spent a dime? No, not really. Will I spend money if I encounter issues like this? Doubtful. I've been SO close to putting money on the account and then something like this happens to make me not do it. Hopefully these issues can be worked out.

    I've had a few issues like this but first time making a post about it. This game is great otherwise and kudos all around.
  • People are hilariously overreacting to this.
  • honestly it sucked but it has been the first time done, so hopefully they realized their mistake. that's all there is. luckily i wasn't doing anything.