Roster suddenly gone

ZorroRooster Posts: 11 Just Dropped In
I logged in to the game and tried to access both the training and roster links. The game crashes every time after sitting on a blank/black screen for at least five seconds. I cash in two tokens not thinking about it, and I now can see that my entire roster is just GONE. I have the two characters that I just opened, and I have all of my roster slots that I've paid for up to this point, just no people. I'm tworking days away from championing my 3* Spidey, and I still have one of his covers in my queue that's about 3 or 4 days from expiring. I only have Spidey and She Hulk left to champion for my 3*s. I emailed tech, but in the meantime, I'm missing out on all of my normal daily routine with this while I wait. If this isn't resolved today, I better retroactively get all the stuff I may be missing, including all of the Deadpool daily rewards


  • ZorroRooster
    ZorroRooster Posts: 11 Just Dropped In
    All of the rest of my account is as it should be: hero and command points, roster slots etc.