Forget the Skip tax, it's matchmaking that's an issue.

AtlasAxe Posts: 147 Tile Toppler
edited September 2016 in MPQ General Discussion
I understand why people don't like the skip tax. Here's the deal: it's not the problem.

The problem with matchmaking right now is that it will:
1. Give the same target two times in a row (minor)
2. Inevitably get you stuck in a loop in your climb at some point where the same 4-6 Qs repeat, over and over again (major, and probably the cause of #1).

I'm willing to pay the skip tax, provided D3 makes changes that ensure that 10-20 unique targets will be loaded in my Q. Preferably 20. If your MMR routine is so bad that it can't find that many targets at any level given the size of the PVP player base, either fix the MMR routine or start inserting seeds.

And when you fix this, give your player base at least the amount of ISO you gave out today. Many of us have easily spent that much in one event cycling through the same garbage over and over.