Geier Reach Bandit and Mirrorpool

DragonXNIK- Posts: 24
I'm reporting a bug that I've seen in my Koth deck, and that has also been reported by a coalition mate of mine.

This requires two mythics to reproduce so it's not widespread, as implied in the title, it's Geier Reach Bandit, and Mirrorpool.

A geier reach bandit has to be in play, and flipped to werewolf form (Vlidin-Pack Alpha). Then you cast mirrorpool. Then you cast another Geier reach bandit. The Second bandit attempts to flip to a werewolf and get +3/+3 and haste, but at the same time the game is (I think) trying to reinforce a Vilidin pack alpha with a Geier reach bandit, which cannot work due to the way the werewolf mechanic is designed.