R110 and Beyond: CoolDown and Animation Speeds

ruyen Posts: 60 Match Maker
There are many timing issues across the game that really needs to be addressed. Long animations, anims that play often (Carnage), CoolDown resolutions, and Attack tiles are just some of the things we can talk about here.

These timing issues make the game feel sluggish and frustrating, not to mention affecting gameplay and putting you at a disadvantage if you use certain characters.

I'll go through a few, but everyone please reply with more examples:


- Slow CoolDown resolution:
Loki was finally feeling good, now his CD's are incredibly slow again. Especially bad when the AI gets multiple huge cascades and you're waiting for 10+ CD's to resolve. 2*Hawkeye has this problem now too, and possibly others.

Suggestion: Revert back to the "fixed" and faster method of resolving multiple CD's, where they went much faster and only paused for cascades. Please apply this to any/all characters with abilities that lay down multiple CD's, like IM40, SG, Peggy, etc... (below)

- Passive tile creation, SW blue resolution:
Fist Attack tile placement is buggy. SW's blue CD resolution is buggy. Hard to describe, but the experience it different now, and not for the better. Anims are seen as laggy and/or out of order now. The tiles flash first, thena partial sound and anim name, then the power appears. All of this takes longer than before.

Suggestion: Seems like straightforward bugfixes


- Attack tiles: We shouldn't have to wait for numbers to float up before the turn is over. Extremely annoying and puts characters with this focus at a timing disadvantage, Strike and Protect tiles don't have any affect on gameplay timing. Also, when in-mass (2x Hailstorm), the game lags severely.

Suggestion: Syncronize the damage numbers with the Turn-swap. Consider an optimized way to render large quantities of Attack tiles' numbers.

- Reactive Passives in general: 4*Cage's Black passive is very similar to Carnage/KK's, which had a long animation that's often played many times in a row, especially vs Thugs in the case of the latter two. Same for all anims from Passives, don't make us wait long (1 sec MAX) for things that are repeated over and over.

1. Either making the anim much shorter
2. Do like Peggy's Blue and only show the anim for the last one.
3. In most cases, have the effect start in the background of the animation
. Also can apply to Fist and 3Cage's starting passives, don't make us wait for the anim, then drop the tile down. Do it at the same time so we can move on. When the AI's have a jones for the color those passives land on, having this happen turn after turn is annoying. If you remember the glitch a few version ago, where if you resolved IM40s Recharge on it's 2nd Turn with Hood's Black, it triggered passives (KK Heal) on each CD resolution. A cool side-effect of this was that the Recharge effect (spark) and KK's heal would overlap and it looked really cool and, above all, it didn't take twice as long even though it was two things happening at the same time.

- CoolDown Resolution Speed: As mentioned in the Loki section above, his CD's are slow again. But other characters weren't optimized like his was a couple versions ago. This should apply to all chars with multiple CD's.

Suggestion: Use Loki's method of resolving multiple CD's, where they went much faster and only paused for cascades. Please apply this to any/all characters with abilities that lay down multiple CD's, like IM40, SG, Peggy, etc... (below)