Just who is IceIX



  • Where is Ice IX today? Taking a vacation?
  • IceIX
    IceIX ADMINISTRATORS Posts: 4,328 Site Admin
    adamLmpq wrote:
    Where is Ice IX today? Taking a vacation?
    Busy with meetings, translations, feature checks, data wrangling... Normal day around the office.
  • IceIX wrote:
    Busy with meetings, translations, feature checks, data wrangling... Normal day around the office.

    Sounds boring.

    What can you tell us about the Hulk?
  • IceIX
    IceIX ADMINISTRATORS Posts: 4,328 Site Admin
    someguy wrote:
    Why Moonstone??
    She's fairly high leveled after the Moonstone tournament, she takes up the Purple/Black slack from Thor/Storm, and her Gravity Warp allows me to usually squeeze out of turns when there are no good matches or when matches would give the AI an advantage. I could go with Venom, but he's only 35 and staying that way for the time being, so he's out both in terms of current strength and growth potential.
    Shikao wrote:
    I have slightly different question. What's your role in the company? You seem to act as our Community Manager, but is there more to you than meets the eye? icon_e_wink.gif
    As I've said in another thread, I'm a man of many hats. I manage the forums, I talk with the licensor often, deal with incoming translations, manage art asset flow... lots of stuff. Funnily enough, Community Manager is a job that I flat out said that I wasn't going to do going into this project. I've got years of previous forum mod/admin experience but it's so outside my normal duties that I didn't really want it on top of everything else. Fast forward to getting everything set up and there I am, setting up forum permissions and working out how everything's going to work. To misuse a quote from Wraith Squadron, "We have been told that under your command one cannot do a good thing without it becoming a duty." I'm not complaining though, it's been (mostly) fun.
  • What other forums have you moderated?
  • IceIX
    IceIX ADMINISTRATORS Posts: 4,328 Site Admin
    What other forums have you moderated?
    A couple fansites. One was for a long running game series spanning multiple console generations. We averaged around 20 users on at any time and would spike at around 150 or so when a new game would come out or there was neat new data/info on it.

    For the record, my Juggs Heroic bracket is:
    1) Foxbody - 533
    2) IKON - 487
    3) kwayteowmu - 463