Did get sorry bug

Kmjakob Posts: 105 Tile Toppler
I did get 250 hero gold and 2500 iso for bug sorry now and please upgrade to something


  • Marine8394
    Marine8394 Posts: 301 Mover and Shaker
    Go to play store. Go to mpq. Update game.
  • Kmjakob
    Kmjakob Posts: 105 Tile Toppler
    My game was update today
  • smoq84
    smoq84 Posts: 421 Mover and Shaker
    One funny (or not) thing is:
    - 250hp is quite a lot, it's a 1/4 of a roster slot, it's about amount you can get in 2 versus events if played well (so 2/3 of hp you get from versus in a week)
    - but 2500iso is nothing, it's even not one level for well developed character, it's half of iso you get just from DDQ each day icon_razz.gif

    In my opinion good compensation would be if there was one zero more icon_e_wink.gif
  • AlexxKats
    AlexxKats Posts: 99 Match Maker
    smoq84 wrote:
    One funny (or not) thing is:
    - 250hp is quite a lot, it's a 1/4 of a roster slot, it's about amount you can get in 2 versus events if played well (so 2/3 of hp you get from versus in a week)
    - but 2500iso is nothing, it's even not one level for well developed character, it's half of iso you get just from DDQ each day icon_razz.gif

    In my opinion good compensation would be if there was one zero more icon_e_wink.gif

    Allow me please to be the devil's advocate.
    The compensation was non-existent.
    Definitely better than their usual "working as intended" till 20 updates of the game later was considered a minor fix and no compensation.
    And i wa a happy owner of a powerful android device that felt only ms of said lag to anything game-related, so those where something extra for me.

    But please, do consider all those that did experience severe lag / huge loading screens between anything that play the game. and then consider those that played competitively how much those +10 seconds per fight harmed their placing. In honor to a few teammates that had the worse part of the lag / load times, and being in a both pvp and pve high competitive alliance, i'll add some base math here to evaluate the gravity of such +5 seconds per loading screen:
    PVP: average hop: 3 fights. so for each fight you have: 2 loading screens (entry and after fight), picking team ups (3 loads per fight, but i'll just use 1 team up for the sake of math) plus a final load screen to force update the new shielded status on game servers, you're looking at 10 load times. so extra +50 seconds visible unshielded. That's +50 seconds unshielded in the t10 of a competitive pvp board.
    PVE: Say we don't use teamups because we're that good (and makes my math easier, while point is still obvious). you have a minimum of 9 nodes (least i recall, obviously more fights in a few of them but non-repeatable), needing 4 fights each for timer to show (competitive play dictates that way), plus a fight to open up the sub of the event before those. we are looking at 37 fights, so 74 screen loads. That translates to 360 seconds. That's a nice and round +6 minutes to initial timer clear for competitive play. Something that in a tough bracket would place you in t50 instead of t10 for players with almost 0 lag as i was. And about 75% of those 6 minutes for grinding them extra.
    Lightning Rounds: people who join immediately get more seed teams, so some extra iso there. let's just call this a day directly and say he only lost 2 seed teams per event participated (and a low average of 10 events total). won't calculate time here, just possible iso lost: 700 to 2500 iso per week

    Now consider having a friend experiencing that injustice (as it should properly be called) while competitive for 2 years (veteran player) being handed a compensation of 2500 iso and 250 HP (equivalent of the losing the sub placing for 5 days or so). While you who had 0 problems during that month (yes, we're talking for about a problem that lasted that long) did get the same compensation.

    Would you still consider it a good compensation?
  • Kmjakob
    Kmjakob Posts: 105 Tile Toppler
    I liked ot when i get more hero points and iso for free