MPQ_Challenge_1: Striking Distance VS AOE!

BariusRad Posts: 47
edited September 2016 in MPQ General Discussion
I think it's time comparisons SkillS of the game. And the honor of our first - "Goddess of Thunder" and her Striking Distance! Let's try to compare it with other AOE Skills. Now - challenge №1!

*Consider at the optimum character level of 270 (pumped to 5 in yellow) without buffs *

Striking Distance: 2157 AOE damage and converts 3 enemy Strike, Attack, Protect or Countdown into Charged tiles.
As you can see damage is very low for 12 AP. 3 Charged tiles it's good, but it is useful only against those who put their special tiles. If the power to create additional 3 Charged tiles or had more damage - it would cost its 12 AP and I would use it always. And now it is a waste for 12 AP.

You can only see what the rest!

some 3 star for example:

Thor - 2259 AOE and additional 2259 to the target.
Black Panther - 3708 AOE
Deadpool - 4069 AOE
Vision - 2259 AOE
Kamala Khan - 3390 AOE

some 4 star for example:

Iceman - 3041 and 269 for each blue tile on the board
Jean Grey - 3888 AOE and converts up to 6 special tiles
Jean Grey - 3885 AOE and creates up to 4 random special tiles
Punisher - 2598 AOE and 3372 for every downed enemy
Quake - 4401 AOE
Red Hulk - 2789 or 7333 for 18 green AP

Thus we see that Striking Distance inferior to many AOE SkillS... I think, need to improve this Skiil. Is it the real power of the Goddess? Do you like Striking Distance?

To be continued...


  • Orion
    Orion Posts: 1,295 Chairperson of the Boards
    Striking Distance is not that great of a power. But so what? Her other 2 powers are awesome and she's easily a top 10 4*. Plus, her AoE attack is yellow, where most other ones are green. You're going to pay extra because it's not in the "flavor" of normal yellow powers.
  • beyonderbub
    beyonderbub Posts: 661 Critical Contributor
    I think the point is to pair her with a better yellow user, like say IM40, instead of buffing the power as it is. But good analysis and agree Striking Distance is not as good (based on AP cost) of an AOE as others mentioned in original post.
  • Crowl
    Crowl Posts: 1,580 Chairperson of the Boards
    Tweaking it so that it was convert enemy tiles to charged or create new charged tiles would seem fairer, although it still wouldn't be enough to make me use her yellow ahead of IM40 if he was in the team too.
  • Yes, Yes, I would like to see her without 3 star Iron Man, because they have the same color. Iron Man can stand up for themselves one in the fight. He is simply a battery for Thor, and we use Iron Man's yellow. But would like to see Thor without a partner with her own powerful yellow...
  • acescracked
    acescracked Posts: 1,197 Chairperson of the Boards
    Her blue and red powers are top tier skills in the 4* tier. Yes, her yellow is a bit underpowered for the AP but then if you improve her yellow then she would have 3 solid powers and maybe overpowered for the tier. That would require neerfing her red and\or blue to balance.

    There are quite a number of characters that have two very strong skills and a third weaker one. So please leave my thoress alone. Her and im40 are my pve superstars.
  • Pants1000
    Pants1000 Posts: 484 Mover and Shaker
    I recently champed Thor and I'm impressed how good she is. The real power of her yellow isn't the damage, it's removing enemy special tiles. It's not fair to compare it to other AoE skills.
  • Polares
    Polares Posts: 2,643 Chairperson of the Boards
    Pants1000 wrote:
    I recently champed Thor and I'm impressed how good she is. The real power of her yellow isn't the damage, it's removing enemy special tiles. It's not fair to compare it to other AoE skills.

    You mean like Jean's purple? Cheaper, more damage, and removes more tiles. The only difference is that Thor's charges the tiles, and Devs have always valued charged tiles too much.

    This ability is clearly overpriced, if it was 9AP it would be much better
  • carrion_pigeons
    carrion_pigeons Posts: 942 Critical Contributor
    You can't really talk about the power level of individual powers. Look at IM40, which is a top tier 3*, who only has one worthwhile power and two abilities that are only worthwhile as last resorts. Buffing the weakest power of a strong character isn't justified, even if that power is substantially below rate.

    If all of a character's abilities suck, then there's obviously a problem. Other arguments for buffing a character are that their powers conflict with each other, or that they don't effectively fill the niche they're designed for because of competition from other characters. But "a bunch of characters who are lower tier than this one do a particular thing slightly better" is more of an argument for not changing things than the opposite, since if one character were good at everything then there would be no reason to roster anyone else.
  • Jarvind
    Jarvind Posts: 1,684 Chairperson of the Boards
    There are quite a number of characters that have two very strong skills and a third weaker one.

    Make icon_blackpanther.pngblueflag.png Great Again
  • Chrono_Tata
    Chrono_Tata Posts: 719 Critical Contributor
    For this week I actually respeced her to 3 red and 5 yellow since my Phoenix will use red anyway. Getting the CD tile conversion is pretty useful in PvE.

    Anyway yeah I agree it is a pretty underwhelming power and some slight buff would be good, either on damage or additional tile conversion. I really don't mind it so much, since it is kind of a secondary power for her and you would only use it in some special circumstances. You can't really directly compare it against powers that do straight damage or with Jean whose main character trait is AoE damage.
  • Crowl
    Crowl Posts: 1,580 Chairperson of the Boards
    Maybe one approach they could make to the character, weaken her red slightly by having it generate fewer charged tiles and have yellow always produce some, by removing specials if they are present or using ordinary tiles if not.