Phoenix Resurrection

Ding Posts: 179
She isn't creating a resurrection tile for me when she dies. Is there a reason why she is always having problems? First the purple was glitched where it would "create" red tiles where red tiles already were, then red was changed so that the definition of special tiles included countdown and trap tiles making it difficult to use red without creating enemy attack tiles, and now green isn't working for me as a player, but strangely the AI has no problem creating resurrection tiles.



  • Dayv
    Dayv Posts: 4,449 Chairperson of the Boards
    Ding wrote:
    She isn't creating a resurrection tile for me when she dies. Is there a reason why she is always having problems? First the purple was glitched where it would "create" red tiles where red tiles already were, then red was changed so that the definition of special tiles included countdown and trap tiles making it difficult to use red without creating enemy attack tiles, and now green isn't working for me as a player, but strangely the AI has no problem creating resurrection tiles.

    If you don't have any basic red tiles on the screen, it won't have anywhere to put a countdown. This can easily happen if Phoenix and Old Man Logan have been covering the board in strike tiles, for example.
  • Ding
    Ding Posts: 179
    There were definitely basic red tiles on the board... the good news is that it hasn't happened since.