Locke and Load: Recruitment now closed.



  • favabear
    favabear Posts: 50 Match Maker
    @doloriel I've approved your application. Welcome to the alliance! Please also welcome ViciousVS, who reached out to me via pm!

    @Elyte We're currently sitting on only one slot availabe, so I can't guarantee you two slots. I believe we may have more available within the next day or two, but if either of you would be willing to pay for your slot (it's 1500 HP currently), that would definitely speed things up. I have no way of examining your roster if you don't apply, so I'd appreciate it if you could post some info on the roster of yourself and your friend. Let me know if you're still interested.

    @menious Frankly, your stats are a fair bit lower than must of our applicants, but performance tends to be more about persistence and event management than hero levels (my roster isn't exactly creme-de-la-creme but I do pretty well for myself). I could potentially offer you a slot as well if more open up.The primary reason I can't accept you right now is that you didn't apply in game. (although I just realised that I declined one with a different name, so if that was you, I apologize.)

    @Tippe Likewise, I don't see an application with your name on it either. If you're using a different name in game, let me know, and I'd be happy to accept you. Otherwise, please apply. I'd love to have you.

    @Sweenz Yes, that's correct. I meant that there isn't any way to contribute HP to the alliance in small doses, which is how the system would ideally work IMO. The next slot is 1500 HP right now (I know. Pretty steep.), so if you can pay it and are willing to, well, you rock hardcore, but I can certainly understand if that's not an option right now.

    There are several applications right now from people who haven't posted on the forums or contacted me. I would really like to hear at least some communication from the people we take in, so if you're one of those people, please drop in and say hello!
  • Ricky
    Ricky Posts: 2 Just Dropped In
    Looking to join your alliance. My username is Ricky wins
    My roster is

    Punisher 100
    Gray BW 91
    C SM 91
    O BW 85
    Cap 85
    MN Thor 85
    ATS Wolverine 85
    Model 40 78
    Ares 74
    Daken 69
    C Storm 63
    Hulk 55
    Doom 53
    Model 35 50
    M Storm 50
    M Hawkeye 45
    Moonstone 45
    MN Magneto 35
    Juggernaut 35
    Loki 35
    Yelena 33
    Xforce Wolverine 31
    M BW 30
    C Hawkeye 30
    Inv Woman 30
    M Thor 28
    BP 28
    Ragnarok 28
    Psylocke 25
    Hood 24
    Bullseye 22
    Venom 20
    Daredevil 18
    Patch 18
    B Spider-Man 7

    I'm an active player currently ranked 12 13 and 4 on simulator.
  • I've applied in game now. As far as I know any points earned before joining won't count. I did a round of the easy node last night but didn't start the hard one yet.
  • Game name: pandemonium

    I'm looking to join a semi-competitive alliance. I used to play like an addict, logging even 10+ hours a day at times icon_e_surprised.gif That fervor has died down quite a bit and I now consider myself an active casual player, if that makes sense. I still play daily. I still have the game installed on my tablet, my phone, my MP3 player, my PC and my boyfriend's PC. I have and still do at times play while walking down the street... icon_lol.gif

    I placed top 10 in the Divine Champions tourney that ended yesterday and am currently 1st in Simulator Basics Hard mode. I won't be hopping into No Holds Barred until tomorrow. I've got 152 days played.

    Here's a pic of page one of my roster.

  • Favabear my roster is:
    OBW 85
    Thor Marvel Now 84---85
    Ares 77
    Daken 69
    Wolv Astonishing 57---85
    Hulk 53
    Iron Man (Model 35) 50
    Storm Modern 50
    Bulleyes 48---61
    Punisher 43
    Cap. America 40---85
    M BW 40
    Jugger 40
    Venom 40
    Iron Man (Model 40) 40---89
    Wolv Patch 40---51
    Doom 38---51
    Magnet Marvel Now 36---61
    Storm Classic 31---61
    Loki 28
    Psylocke 28
    Daredevil 20
    Hood 20
    B Panther 18
    Magnet Classic 15
    Ragnarock 15
    Moonstone 8

    I can get update me team because i have 140.000 ISO. And i have 90 Normal Tokens and 36 Heroics Tokens too.
  • I didn't realize I needed to apply first, sorry. I have applied in game now. If I am not accepted, I understand.
  • hey ...

    I want to join your team ...

    my name : newtron14

    I'm active player ( +/- 5 hours a day ) have been played 93 days

    I've applied in the game ...

    my roster are :

    Punisher 30
    Gray BW 15
    O BW 85
    Cap 14
    MN Thor 85
    ATS Wolverine 85
    Model 40 41
    Model 35 50
    Ares 85
    Daken 29
    C Storm 85
    M Storm 37
    Hulk 53
    Doom 38
    M Storm 50
    M Hawkeye 40
    Moonstone 85
    MN Magneto 69
    Loki 15
    Xforce Wolverine 34
    M BW 35
    Inv Woman 30
    M Thor 15
    BP 28
    Ragnarok 15
    Psylocke 30
    Hood 20
    Bullseye 7
    Daredevil 64
    Patch 53
    B Spider-Man 18
    Bag-man 8

    I hope I pass your terms .... icon_e_biggrin.gif
  • I'd be interested if there is still a slot open-

    30 Invisible Woman 0/1/0

    51 Hulk 4/0/0
    51 Punisher 2/2/2
    43 Spiderman 3/1/1
    43 Patch 3/1/1
    28 Magneto 1/2/0
    25 Iron Man 40 0/2/0
    25 Thor Modern 0/2/0
    18 Daredevil 1/0/1
    18 Doctor Doom 1/1
    18 Ragnarok 1/1
    15 Psylock 1/0/0

    85 Captain America 5/5/3
    85 MN Magneto 4/4/5
    85 Storm 5/5/3
    85 Wolverine 5/5/3
    77 Ares 4/3/5
    69 Daken 5/5
    53 OBW 3/4/2

    daily player!
  • favabear
    favabear Posts: 50 Match Maker
    Hey guys. Sorry I haven't gotten back to you all right away. Had some RL stuff I had to deal with.

    Everyone who's applied has been a great candidate, and I want to thank all of you for hanging around while we get everything sorted out. Adahlg has offered to open up a few slots, so I'm going to work things out with him to get the rest of our slots opened within the next 24 hours.

    Since this alliance isn't aiming to be elitist, but rather a group of players who put out an effort to compete, I've decided not to cherry pick the strongest rosters, but to bring people in on a first come first serve basis as long as they qualify. So, with that said, the following 7 people all have reserved spots in the alliance. Please confirm within the next 24 hours if you wish to accept and apply for the alliance in game if you haven't done so already. Once you do so, your position is guaranteed. Welcome to the alliance!

    kermitk50 (pm communicated)
    *Elyte's friend if they qualify
    pumkin (pandemonium)

    Alt List (in this order)

    lojer (pm communicated)

    Several of the people I have reserved slots for have not applied in game yet, and I still need to hear from Elyte's friend, so it's entirely possible I may have one or more slots available for the alt list people. If you wouldn't mind holding off for another 24 hours, I will reach out to you personally to let you know whether or not we have a slot for you by then. Thanks so much for your patience, and if you need to look elsewhere, I completely understand.

    @Elyte- Your friend's slot is at this point provisional. If your friend could communicate with me personally, I would greatly appreciate that. I don't want to break you guys up, but I would also like for everyone in the alliance to be pulling they're own weight, so if your friend is not as active as yourself I might not be able to offer him a slot. Please also let me know whether you would still wish to accept the invite if your friend does not get in.

    @Tippe- I believe that the alliance score is automatically updated as soon as the player joins, since we've been gaining a ton of points each time someone new joins. So don't worry about holding off on doing event stuff. Once we get you in, your contribution should count in full.

    Thanks again to all of the members, applicants, and especially to adahlg for his generous offer. I wasn't expecting to get things off the ground so quickly, and I'm very excited about where we are going as an alliance.
  • Just wanted to say thank you Fava and I am looking forward to growing, progressing, and pushing for the top with the lot of you!
  • Awesome! Thank you. Looking forward to it icon_e_smile.gif
  • Thanks for the invite. I've applied in game and ready to be added.
  • I'd be interested in joining this alliance spot opens up. I'm a fairly active player that plays for fun and compete. Several maxed out 2 star and lots of 3 star characters. Have 27 heroes at the moment. User name is Aglemamici.
  • Thank you very much favabear.
    You have a private message.
  • I have applied to join this alliance in-game (same name) so you can check my roster. Currently I am in the top 10 for all single player ranks in the simulator with just over 38,000 points

    I'm an active daily player who started playing about 50 days ago now, I've build a decent enough team now so I tend to save my ISO crystals and use them on characters that have a power up bonus once an event starts.

    To continue to do well in the events to at least walk away with a 3* character and build a strong team

    People I'd like to play with:
    People who do their best in team events, or than that I'm not really fussed
  • I sent a request today. My name is also fascist fish. I am a daily player with 4 maxes *** and hulk at 89. I have at least one of every character but psylocke, black panther, and the new Thor. Thanks
  • favabear
    favabear Posts: 50 Match Maker
    Huge shoutout to adahlg who added another another 3 slots to our team! That's not a small amount of HP and it's a huge help to our alliance (as well as my wallet). I went ahead and added the last few slots, so we're at maximum size now.

    kermitk50, pmkin/panamounium, Tippe, and menious have all been added. While Elyte and friend (whom I assume I will have a name for soon) have confirmed and will be joining shortly. That leaves us with one slot left, which is currently still reserved for Ricky if I hear from him soon.

    Rampage Knight and facist fish, unfortunately that means it is quite unlikely that we will be able to add you as there are three alt-listed people ahead of you. I can add you to the alt list, so if we have people drop out or other circumstances pop up and none of the other alts want in, I'll contact you in the order you posted. I'd definitely recommend that you seek out other alliances in the meantime, and I wish you the best of luck.
  • Toni661 and me are here!!!

    Thank you very much. Now camon and destroy all.

  • hi there,
    well, i'am thanking ada for his generosity too.
    thanks to that, we're quite high in the ranks.
    and i for my self hold rank 1 in every categorie.
    keep it up guys.
  • Well. Limit of players is 20. So i save some hp for futures options in alliances if we need several (now i have 300).

    To the other side we can get rank up to 25 and win 25 hp.
    Come on alliance!


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