A man has no hoard.

Jarvind Posts: 1,684 Chairperson of the Boards
edited September 2016 in MPQ General Discussion
Not anymore, anyway.

It's that time again, bros and ladybros. I saved up for an inordinate amount of time and opened all my tokens in a single fell dopamine-infused swoop.

(For those who didn't catch the last episode or are confused by the title, click hurr.)

Differences This Time Around

I didn't save up heroic tokens for two reasons: because I no longer seem to be able to place into easy season brackets to get 10-packs from placement, and because I'm now on a neverending championing spree and I needs me them sweet, sweet purple crackrocks. So just LTs this time.

That's it, really.

To the results! As before, this includes LTs and CP that I got from champion levels as I went.

Latest Legends: 27 Pulls
Five-Stars star.pngstar.pngstar.pngstar.pngstar.png

icon_hulk.png: blackflag.png
icon_blackwidow.png: redflag.pngblackflag.png

Four-Stars star.pngstar.pngstar.pngstar.png

icon_venom.png: yellowflag.pngblackflag.png
icon_thing.png: yellowflag.png x2
icon_miles.png: redflag.png
icon_antman.png: yellowflag.pngpurpleflag.png
icon_ironman.png: redflag.png x3
icon_nova.png: blackflag.png x2
icon_kingpin.png: purpleflag.pngyellowflag.png
icon_ghostrider.png: blackflag.png
icon_nickfury.png: purpleflag.png
icon_captainamerica.png: yellowflag.png
icon_punisher.png: blackflag.pngblueflag.png
icon_wintersoldier.png: blueflag.png
icon_wolverine.png: greenflag.png
icon_quake.png: yellowflag.png
icon_deadpool.png: redflag.png
icon_invisiblewoman.png: blueflag.png
icon_jeangrey.png: purpleflag.png

Classic Legends: 49 Pulls
Five-Stars star.pngstar.pngstar.pngstar.pngstar.png

icon_spiderman.png: blueflag.png
icon_silversurfer.png: blueflag.png
icon_greengoblin.png: purpleflag.png
icon_ironman.png: yellowflag.png

Four-Stars star.pngstar.pngstar.pngstar.png

icon_ghostrider.png: greenflag.pngredflag.png
icon_cyclops.png: blueflag.png
icon_jeangrey.png: greenflag.pngpurpleflag.png x3
icon_wintersoldier.png: redflag.pngblueflag.png
icon_elektra.png: blackflag.png x2, purpleflag.png
icon_starlord.png: yellowflag.pngredflag.png
icon_carnage.png: redflag.pngblackflag.png
icon_warmachine.png: greenflag.png , blueflag.png x2
icon_iceman.png: blueflag.pngpurpleflag.png
icon_katebishop.png: blueflag.pngblackflag.png
icon_captainamerica.png: yellowflag.png
icon_kingpin.png: yellowflag.pngblackflag.png
icon_drax.png: purpleflag.pngblackflag.png
icon_professorx.png: yellowflag.png
icon_thor.png: yellowflag.png
icon_spidergwen.png: redflag.pngyellowflag.png
icon_nova.png: yellowflag.pngblackflag.png
icon_wolverine.png: greenflag.pngyellowflag.pngblackflag.png
icon_hulkcho.png: blueflag.pnggreenflag.png
wasp_icon.png: yellowflag.png
icon_nickfury.png: purpleflag.png
icon_moonknight.png: blackflag.png
icon_redhulk.png: greenflag.png
icon_venom.png: greenflag.png
icon_antman.png: purpleflag.png
icon_mrfantastic.png: yellowflag.png

Thoughts, Complaints, and Musings

Who do you now have fully covered as a result of this bounty?

Drax, Bucky, and Miles are all fully covered now. Gwen, Wasp, Moon Knight, Kate Bishop, and War Machine got closer but are still missing covers.

Who got champion levels?

Wolverine, HulkPuncher, Jean Grey, Iceman, Quake, Punisher, Red Hulk, Deadpool, Cyclops, Thing, Thor, and Ant-Man. The only 4 star.png champ I had who got no additional levels was X-23.

Who did you newly champion on account of dem covers?

I made an exception to my usual rules and used my last 120 CP to buy Nova's last cover and champion him. With the yellow from the hoard he was in the dreaded 5/2/5 build; I really wanted him maxed, and didn't like the prospect of selling off the blacks and waiting who-knows-how-long for another yellow. There's at least one perfectionist bemoaning the "wasted" CP, but whatever, I like Nova a lot.

The Kingpin covers are in my queue and awaiting use, along with a fortuitous extra one from a heroic token - he's at 225 and should be champed in another week or so.

You've busted two decent-sized hoards now. Would you recommend it?

Honestly? At this point I wouldn't, or at least not in this fashion. The 4 star.png pool is diluted enough now that it's tough to brute-force your way into covering characters like this. I think what makes more sense, and what I'll probably do from now on, is to save enough ISO for a new champ, then pull until you get a cover for a character that isn't champed. Which character is mostly irrelevant in my opinion - nearly every 4 star.png is at least "pretty good" boosted (yes, even Cho), and champ rewards make it worthwhile regardless.

Next roster move?

Go back and finish the 3 star.png that I haven't champed yet - I have nine left. Then champ the 4 star.png that they feed covers to. I assume this will keep me busy for the foreseeable future, unless clearance levels 8 and up turn out to be just bursting with ISO.

Hey, you got the same number of 5 star.png covers as last time, but they increased the odds! Weak!

I know, right? I figured I could count on eight or nine covers, but alas, seven covers in 76 pulls, making my 5 star.png progress here best described as "slim to none." Notably, my Surfer continues to be hilariously useless even by Surfer standards, as he's now 3/0/4. I did finally get Norman Osborn added, though, which is cool.

Last one wasn't a question again! WILL YOU EVER LEARN?

I didn't say they were all going to be questions this time. JOKE'S ON YOU, STRAW MAN GRAMMAR NAZI.

Valar Morghulis.

Valar Dohaeris.

Should I poke this little thumbs-up thingy here?

I mean, if you wanna. I'm not your boss. But do it.


  • Blahahah
    Blahahah Posts: 738 Critical Contributor


    Also nice draws. The buffs/nerfs are going to be interesting for you on monday.
  • Jarvind
    Jarvind Posts: 1,684 Chairperson of the Boards
    Blahahah wrote:
    The buffs/nerfs are going to be interesting for you on monday.

    Yeah, that did occur to me shortly after I finished opening everything. Fingers crossed nobody gets cracked over the dome with the nerf bat too bad.