Scaling Bug

awef Posts: 78 Match Maker
SCL 7, slice 3. The enemies' levels were already at maximum, even on the first play through. After beating a node once, the animation of the level increase would occur; however, during the the second play through of the same node, the health and damage only reflected maximum level. In short, I played through each node 4 times on my maximum scaling. This bug seems unique to only me, since I've yet to see anyone talk about it. It'll probably end up costing me top 1-5. Really wanted to finish covering IMHB. Thanks Demiurge... Just wondering if anyone else has experienced this.


  • DAC169
    DAC169 Posts: 122 Tile Toppler
    I'm also doing SCL 7 and I'm it seems my 4* essential is the only one not bugging out.

    When I first unlocked my essentials the 2* said it was at 175, the 3* was 180, & 4* was at 150.
    The 4* essential node worked normally, jumping up a bunch of levels each time and ending at 304.
    I wasn't paying attention to the 3* node because they did actually go up in level - BP initially had about 8K health & had nearly twice that when I cleared it the 4th time. But if I check now, it's 180 & BP has 10.5K health.
    The 2* essential was always 175, but after the first 4 clears it "went up to" 61, 75, 92, & 111.

    First Clears:
    "Grr! Grr! It's Wolverine!" node "went up to" 19, but is still 12.
    "Can he swing? Listen, Bud" node was 39 and "went up to" 23.
    "Logan's Heroes" node was 75 and "went up to" 45.
    "The No-Funisher" node was 220 and "went up to" 150.
    "Stars And Stripes For Never" node was 247 and "went up to" 169.
    "The Last And The Furious" node was 272 and "went up to"... well, I accidently skipped checking that one.
  • awef
    awef Posts: 78 Match Maker
    After 4 clears, everything, but my essentials seem normal.

    My highest levels: 277, 268, 267.
    4* Essential - 143/144/143
    2* Essential - 155/155/155
    3* Essential - 159/159/159

    Just whatever... I'll just try to salvage this event and do better on the next. Hopefully, "Deadpool vs Villains" isn't also bugged.
  • DAC169
    DAC169 Posts: 122 Tile Toppler
    Just finished my 4th clears:
    "Grr! Grr! It's Wolverine!" was staying at 12, then finally leveled up to 27 for the 4th clear, but dropped back down to 12 even though it "went up to" 34.
    "Can he swing? Listen, Bud" node stayed 39, even though it "went up to" 43.
    "Logan's Heroes" node stayed 75. Kinda spaced-out while doing it & did 5 clears, but I do remember seeing that it "went up to" 78, I'm assuming that was 4th clear.
    "The No-Funisher" node stayed 220, even though it "went up to" 289.
    "Stars And Stripes For Never" node stayed 247, even though it "went up to" 304.
    "The Last And The Furious" node stayed 272, even though it "went up to" 314.

    Also strange is that my scaling had previously been that the levels for the last 3 nodes would be roughly mid-way between the level it was always at & the final level it "went up to". Actually, the level it "went up to" after 3rd clear was just about where it was previously.