Defeat/Victory Animations Display Too Soon

When in a battle, if you make a match (or use an ability) that will EVENTUALLY defeat an opponent, the 'Opponent Downed' / 'Victory' text and music will appear before the game completes all the matches (or completes ability animation).

For example, let's say my opponent has 500 health left. Let's also say there is a 3 tile match on the board that would deal 400 damage. If that 3 tile match was made, another match would automatically be completed from the dropping tiles for an additional 200 damage.
So, the 400 damage match would not 'Down' my opponent, but the subsequent 200 damage match would.
As soon as I make the first 400 damage match, the game triggers the 'Opponent Downed' / 'Victory' text and music, before the second match even triggers.
This will happen even if the lethal damage would not occur until 5 or 6 matches later.
I've had it happen when my opponent has 1500 health, and I made a small 300 damage match. The game starts the Victory text and music as soon as I start making my match. I won't technically win until the dropping tiles proceed to trigger the 5 or 6 matches subsequent matches that are required for the victory, but since the game has figured out how the tiles will drop (and what the new tiles added to the board will be), it knows that I will win, and thus triggers the victory.
This is fairly jarring, and takes away some of the mystery or suspense in battles. I don't know/think that a small match will win the match, and seeing all the subsequent matches take place is somewhat exhilarating at times.

Another smaller, but similar problem is with character abilities.
If the ability will down an opponent or win a match, the music and text will appear as soon as the ability is fired. It no longer waits for the ability animation to finish, or the damage to be shown.
Sometimes abilities are based on certain tiles on the board, or percentages. You don't always know how much damage they will do without manually checking those figures.
Also, it is jarring like the other example above. There is no flow, and it doesn't really save much time.

Both of these issues started within the last 2 months (I believe). It is not isolated to just the latest update. There has been 1-2 updates at least since this started happening.

Can this be corrected?