Sam Wilson (Cap) * Ghost Rider (Red) * Broken to -1

LuciferianX Posts: 163 Tile Toppler
Good afternoon, team;

During a normal match I ran Sam Wilson + Ghost Rider, utilizing Sam's blue passive to accelerate Hellfire, normally a 2 turn CDT. In this instance, I had a series of stacking blue tiles that must have triggered the tile an additional time prior to resolution, rendering it negative. In two turns (as long as the match lasted after that) it didn't click 'back up,' and it didn't resolve further.

I'm figuring this is because the two (or three) blue matches activated and resolved Sam's Aerial Avenger before Johnny's CDT could resolve and reset to 2. Wasn't game breaking, but it was definitely unexpected and unintended.

While somewhat tedious to test, this is also possible with Johnny Storm's Plasma Stream, and Blade's Nightstalker tiles, all of which share a tick/reset mechanic. Haven't tested it, but it makes sense, so likely worth investigation.


  • gravel
    gravel Posts: 585 Critical Contributor
    I actually had this happen with Scarlet Witch's Arcane Incantation. The tile was at 1, I made a blue match, and a cascade made another blue match. The tile ticked down to 0, and then to -1. It was matched away by the computer before I could see if it would do anything. I have been unable to replicate it, but I'm glad I'm not the only one who has seen something like it.
  • rainkingucd
    rainkingucd Posts: 1,377 Chairperson of the Boards
    Me too. Sam Wilson Cap and Punisher, double blue cascade created a null countdown
  • alaeth
    alaeth Posts: 446 Mover and Shaker

    Sam Wilson 4* seems the easiest to reproduce on this bug.

    Steps to reproduce:
    * have a friendly CD tile with 1 turn remaining
    * make a blue match (which causes a second blue match from a cascade)

    * CD tile decrements twice (resulting in -1 turns remaining)

    Desired behavior:
    * bounds-check & clamp the lower limit for CD tiles to 0 so it resolves after the cascades.
  • LuciferianX
    LuciferianX Posts: 163 Tile Toppler
    Close; what I would like to see for the desired behavior is closer to this:

    * Activate Aerial Avenger
    * Special Tiles? Y/N, If Y, Then amplify
    * CDTs? Y/N, If Y, then tick down
    * Did CDT Activate? Y/N, If Y, resolve before continuing cascade

    What appears to be happening is a stacking order issue; Aerial Avenger activates, a tile below its activation point (at least when I did) is affected, and the next cascade comes right behind it, so the passive activates twice but the CDT never actually resolves. I think (IMO) that this is a minor oversight, where the tile is counted down but doesn't move to the top of the stacking order (I'm at zero? OH, SNAP!) before it gets counted down again.

    Eh, all academic. Needs fixed.