Possible Fury Demolition Bug

gentgeen Posts: 99 Match Maker
Pretty sure this is NOT working as expected, but figured I would check/ask here. (I did put in ticket/comment via the ingame help)

I had lucked out with the opening layout, and was able to get IM40 running right out of gate... so this was very early in the game ... only match damage had been done so far.

Fury layed down Demolition, and then made his match. .. My turn, I had a lot of colors ready to go and fired off a few 'powers' one right after the other, downing Fury. (last one was IM40 Blue) I got the screen image that saided Fury Down, then got the large number (7?) "Trap Disarmed" notices. Then immediately got the IM40 downed. ~10,000+ health and just poof IM40 is gone? I did not even get to make a match.

So when you down Fury, this TRIGGERS Demolition? I assumed -- similar to Dr. Doom -- that this should have removed/negated it.


  • CNash
    CNash Posts: 952 Critical Contributor
    Perhaps your Ballistic Salvo's tile destruction caused you to cascade-match one of the Demolition trap tiles? Difficult to verify, I know, as you can't see them.

    As for the order in which things happened - we've had some weirdness with "order of operations" recently, where there's a disconnect between the action of downing a character and the consequence of his trap or countdown tiles expiring. For example, if you kill Gorgon by matching an Awaken the Hand countdown tile, its effect (creating a strike tile) still fires. So it's entirely possible that things happened in this order:

    1. Ballistic Salvo's direct damage takes Fury to 0 HP, "Nick Fury is downed"
    2. Ballistic Salvo's secondary tile destruction causes one of the Demolition traps to match away, triggering its effect - "Iron Man is downed"
    3. Demolition's trap tiles are disarmed, because Fury is downed.

    There's a flaw in my logic, btw: you mentioned seeing the "Trap disarmed" notifications too. If you matched a Demolition trap they would all have been destroyed. So maybe things didn't go down exactly like that...
  • gentgeen
    gentgeen Posts: 99 Match Maker
    CNash wrote:
    Perhaps your Ballistic Salvo's tile destruction caused you to cascade-match one of the Demolition trap tiles? Difficult to verify, I know, as you can't see them.

    As for the order in which things happened - we've had some weirdness with "order of operations" recently, where there's a disconnect between the action of downing a character and the consequence of his trap or countdown tiles expiring. For example, if you kill Gorgon by matching an Awaken the Hand countdown tile, its effect (creating a strike tile) still fires. So it's entirely possible that things happened in this order:

    1. Ballistic Salvo's direct damage takes Fury to 0 HP, "Nick Fury is downed"
    2. Ballistic Salvo's secondary tile destruction causes one of the Demolition traps to match away, triggering its effect - "Iron Man is downed"
    3. Demolition's trap tiles are disarmed, because Fury is downed.

    There's a flaw in my logic, btw: you mentioned seeing the "Trap disarmed" notifications too. If you matched a Demolition trap they would all have been destroyed. So maybe things didn't go down exactly like that...

    I completely forgot about the Salvo's 'destroy 3 tiles' ... Your logic in 1-3 ALMOST works -- but as you noted I saw a lot of (IDK the exact number) "Trap Disarmed" popups show ... Do those show when you trigger/match one of the Demo tabs?

    Visually, I am (fairly confident) that - at least the animations - where in the order of 1,3,2 .... Fury Down, Traps Disarmed, Iron Man Down. (I know there is some animation errors going on right now...so I guess that needs fixed BEFORE we can call this a bug)
  • LuciferianX
    LuciferianX Posts: 163 Tile Toppler
    Currently, there is a delta from when a character is downed to when their ability is neutralized. This also happens in a heads up match against XFDP. The scenario:

    My XFDP has deployed Countdown for What? on redtile.png
    My Opponent has done the same; also on redtile.png

    I get 11 blacktile.png and activate Surgical Strike, targeting my opponent's XFDP. They are downed, and the CDTs all depopulate. Until the damage starts rolling back and forth, and despite their having been disabled, they all still went off. Meaning:

    Fury deploys Demolition. You as IM40 activate Ballistic Salvo; Fury is downed, the traps show a 'disarmed' animation, and one of your (3-6) destroyed tiles triggers a match which lands on a previously trapped tile and boom. You take 10k.

    That is how it went down. Rare, possibly a bug, but maybe it isn't. A "from the grave" function that is stealth and intentional would be a nasty surprise when it happens.