On "dealing with" cupcakes



  • SnowcaTT
    SnowcaTT Posts: 3,486 Chairperson of the Boards
    I am worried that this "glitch" was just an early implementation of what is planned.

    Before it was fixed, I saw nothing but OML/Rulk (80+% clip!) OML/JG (maybe 10%) PH/Rulk (maybe 5%). It was awful. Barely hit 1,000 and quit...I am concerned that's the D3 plan. After the fix suddenly I saw lots more teams! Because folks could be out there getting more points with "only" two high-level non-boosted 4*'s.

    The PVP experience without cupcakes was not a fun one. Less diversity than I've EVER seen, and that is saying something! I finished with 1017 points and in T50...the event before I made my final hop starting at 1150 and at that point I wasn't in T100!

    If they want to make 1000 difficult to hit, fine. Put your final progression at 1000.
  • Salgy
    Salgy Posts: 254 Mover and Shaker
    It's funny that you mention handholding in your TL/DR fight... I wonder where you would be without the monthly rewards you receive as a forum moderator... What is it again?!? Why don't you remind the forumites... If I remember correctly it's; HP, iso, CP's and a 5* cover of your choice?!?
    I just spent the last event sniping one of the big dogs of s4 and I hit him 23 times at 75 points a pop. Let's assume that three of those hits didn't go through since he probably was able to shield up before I could complete the match, so I had roughly 20 successful hits which means I managed to swipe 1500 points from my hits on him alone.

    However, the end result is quite telling: I finished the event at 1405, my opponent finished at 3317 and managed to clinch first in the bracket.

    I will continue having my fun taking on the evil empire and seeing how much one dude can do battling a baking behemoth

    So basically you are taking rewards the rest of us are not partial to, and threatening D3's paying customers on their forums... Brilliant strategy...

    Your opponent is a member of (probably) one of the top spending alliances and been a supporter of the game since day 1... I fully understand sniping is a part of the current PVP game, and have no issue with snipers or sniping... But when you take issue with lower rosters not "earning" their scores via cupcakes, and snipe with a roster you yourself didn't earn, it just sounds hypocritical...

    So how about this; D3 please roll back this guys forum moderator rewards and 5* covers and let him snipe with a roster he has earned himself through in game time or his own money. Let's see what his thoughts would be if he had to earn his points the hard way.
  • fight4thedream
    fight4thedream GLOBAL_MODERATORS Posts: 1,963 Chairperson of the Boards
    I'm not one to hide Salgy, some would even say I am honest to a fault. I am aware and admit that I am in a privileged position for which I am thankful for and keep in mind every time I take on my duties as a moderator. I do take my position seriously and serve this community to the best of my ability.

    You are free to think me a hypocrite if you like. It doesn't matter to me because I know who the real hypocrites are: the ones that didn't care about my privileged status when I was working for them but made an issue of it as soon as I switch sides. I do ask that you read over my post again. Not once did I make any suggestion that cupcakes allow lower rosters to not "earn" their covers, although I know that is a common sniper complaint. The argument I make is that it corrupts the whole competition.

    In fact, I make it a point to try and not hit lower rosters that are climbing to 1000 or 1300 because I do not wish to deny them that opportunity. Although admittedly it doesn't always work out that way. But you should know very well what kind of rosters it is I like to take on. And I do occasionally spend money on this game but you won't catch me in a buy club.

    But this is getting off topic. So if you or anyone else wishes to talk further about that matter I ask that you do so in a PM. Thank you.
  • Darknes21
    Darknes21 Posts: 321 Mover and Shaker
    Wait a min! forum Mods get FREE 5* covers, HP, CP and ISO when the rest of us grind PVE and shield hop for CP! How can i sign up to be a Mod?
  • Salgy
    Salgy Posts: 254 Mover and Shaker
    Appreciate the reply fight...
    But this is getting off topic.

    Agreed. To steer back on topic, a possible solution to both cupcaking and the players who enjoy hitting the same target 23 times would be to limit the number of times you can hit a target... Maybe 5x per event?!? To few?!?

    D3 would seriously need to expand the MMR if this was the way they went... And maybe have a running countdown on how many times you have hit that target to maximize your point potential from them (whether for good or nefarious purposes)...
  • Pylgrim
    Pylgrim Posts: 2,328 Chairperson of the Boards
    I humbly request this thread not to be derailed to discussing mods and whatever rewards they get for their hard job.
  • fight4thedream
    fight4thedream GLOBAL_MODERATORS Posts: 1,963 Chairperson of the Boards
    Yes, we get a free cover of our choice, some HP, ISO and CP once every month but I ask that you not make a point of it here as it would be off-topic. Thank you.
  • IamTheDanger
    IamTheDanger Posts: 1,093 Chairperson of the Boards
    commandpointsbig.pngThis thread is going off topic. To avoid it being locked, please keep this thread on topic. If anyone has questions or complaints please contact a Mod or HiFi via P.M. Thank You commandpointsbig.png
  • Ludaa
    Ludaa Posts: 542
    Help us, Clearance Levels, you're our only hope!

    Help us, Clearance Levels, you're our only hope!

    Help us, Clearance Levels, you're our only hope!
  • jobob
    jobob Posts: 680 Critical Contributor
    In fact, I make it a point to try and not hit lower rosters that are climbing to 1000 or 1300 because I do not wish to deny them that opportunity. Although admittedly it doesn't always work out that way. But you should know very well what kind of rosters it is I like to take on. And I do occasionally spend money on this game but you won't catch me in a buy club.
    I find it interesting that one would draw a distinction between not hitting a lower roster because you don't want to deny them that opportunity, and offering up some easy targets to help them climb. You could say one is passive help vs active help... but really aren't both an effort on the part of a player with a strong roster to subvert the normal order of things and help a lower roster climb higher than what would be possible?

    Regarding possible fixes... it would be nice if there was a cooldown on losing points. You get hit for -75, and for the next 75 seconds, all hits don't remove points from you. Kind of like dying and respawning with temporary invincibility. It would make climbing much less painful and reduce the need for cakes.
  • morph3us
    morph3us Posts: 859 Critical Contributor
    SnowcaTT wrote:
    The PVP experience without cupcakes was not a fun one. Less diversity than I've EVER seen, and that is saying something! I finished with 1017 points and in T50...the event before I made my final hop starting at 1150 and at that point I wasn't in T100!

    I expect to see a lot of posts complaining about the lack of high value targets and points overall in PvP when they finally implement the cupcake fix.
  • What is considered a high value target? 75/60/50? How many matches would you normally expect to skip to find one?
  • MrCrowley
    MrCrowley Posts: 81 Match Maker
    I have a sneaky idea on dealing with cupcakes. Dont let people from the same alliance see each other in the PVP.
    It achieves many good things at the same time.
  • CT1888
    CT1888 Posts: 1,201 Chairperson of the Boards
    MrCrowley wrote:
    I have a sneaky idea on dealing with cupcakes. Dont let people from the same alliance see each other in the PVP.
    It achieves many good things at the same time.
    Unfortunately given the multi alliance families and truces out there, they'd still be able to co-ordinate to see plenty of targets (and you'd need to put bigger alliance cool downs for rejoining, as they would hike out to other alliances to see each other, and come back in for the end of the event for the prizes)
  • SnowcaTT
    SnowcaTT Posts: 3,486 Chairperson of the Boards
    Norksman wrote:
    What is considered a high value target? 75/60/50? How many matches would you normally expect to skip to find one?

    I consider a target high value if after you hit them (taking points away), they won't retal because it isn't worth it.

    I'll hit a 3* team (if I could ever find them) at 35 points - I won't hit a team that can retal for that because they'll take just as many points (or more!) back.

    I'm looking for 45+ points per hit. I try to only hit 50+ (since I expect to pay at least one health pack per battle...can't be trying for less than that! If I had OML, this might be a different calculation.....). I'm quite willing to skip 15-20 times to find that match (hellllooooo skip tax).
  • Fightmastermpq
    Fightmastermpq Posts: 995 Critical Contributor
    TL;DR: Cupcakes are an unintended design flaw that top alliances exploit to monopolize the highest ranks of Versus events, turning said events into promenades and handholding rather than any actual competitions.
    Honestly I think getting rid of cupcakes would make this aspect FAR worse. You mentioned how ineffective sniping A-teams is due to the time required vs. climbing off 3 cakes, if you remove the ability to climb so quickly you are going to see A LOT more people trying to avoid losing points by holding more hands.