Self-damage abilities that create countdowns

huktonfonix Posts: 214 Tile Toppler
Abilities that self-damage a character and create a countdown tile (Ares Sunder, ISO goons Inject ISO, etc) leave an orphaned countdown tile if the self-damage kills the character. This countdown never counts down, and just sits there as if the character were stunned instead of killed.


  • simonsez
    simonsez Posts: 4,663 Chairperson of the Boards

    Instead of creating a new thread, you should have added to the existing thread.. that is 2 1/2 years old. Not because I care about board clutter, but because it's entertaining to remind people that some bugs will never ever be fixed. So by all means, enjoy your strongest power abilities not resolving properly, enjoy Nova doing random **** damage, enjoy random board resets, etc. etc., because chances are, they'll be with us indefinitely.
  • huktonfonix
    huktonfonix Posts: 214 Tile Toppler
    If you read the original post, you will see that this is a new bug that is behaving differently from what was referenced in the thread you linked. It has only recently started happening (I assume since 108, but can't confirm), and does not count down.