Lining up PVE scoring

Pylgrim Posts: 2,328 Chairperson of the Boards
edited September 2016 in MPQ Suggestions and Feedback
I posted this in the middle of a thread in General discussion, thought I'd give it visibility for the devs here as well.

I believe that standardising points and rewards across PVE subs and events will both reduce confusion and allow for a more logical reward structure that properly recompenses the different amounts of time spent by players in the diverse (non-boss) story events. Make it so every sub of each event allows a set X amount of points (divided comparatively among their diverse amount of subs), then set progression rewards across a common table.


Each sub is set to give a "minimum maximum" amount of 1000 points, be it an event like The Hulk with its strict 9-nodes per sub or the Hunt with its 12-node average subs. ("minimum maximum" = 4 clears of each node), then make a table like this (common multipliers give the higher reward, and the lower skips):

Every 125 progression points = Iso (100, 100, 100, 250, 250, 250, 500, 500, 500, 1000...)
Every 250 progression points = HP (25, 25, 25, 50, 50, 50, 100...)
Every 500 progression points = Cover (2*, 2*, 3*, 3*, 3*, 4*...)
Every 1000 progression points = Event token
Every 3000 progression points = 25 Cp

So, for a 3-day event: 100 iso, 25 HP, 100 Iso, 2* cover, 100 iso, 25 HP, 250 iso, Event token, 250 iso, 25 HP, 250 Iso, 2* cover, 500 Iso, 50 HP, 500 Iso, Event token, 500 Iso, 50 HP, 1000 Iso, 3* cover, 1000 iso, 50 HP, 1000 Iso, 25 CP. This is quite similar to the current scheme for all events.

This would not only guarantee that the more subs (days) an event last will see better rewards, progressively, it will also remove the ceiling on progression rewards who currently punishes the people who play the game the most, the "grinders", alleviating somewhat the disappointment of missing placement rewards for those who place just below the "top" cut marks.