stuck in 2 star land, somewhat.

growlitheisbaws Posts: 5
edited September 2016 in Roster and Level Help
I need some advice, as I am still stuck in the 2 star land. Here is my roster:

essentially I do the same thing every day, do my deadpool daily to get my recruit token, (2 if I have the character I need) TRY and do the big enchilada (I sometimes am able to do it, but sometimes I am not) and check on the pvp/pve events to see what 3 stars I can win. if its one I need or want, I go hard but if its not I only play like 1 or 2 matches. however I have been stuck in this same loop for about almost a month now, and I don't feel like I am making meaningful progress. so here are some tips/things I would like advice on.

1. does the transition into 3 star land normally take this long, or am I doing something wrong.

2. I already have the makings of a 3 star team (bullseye, wolv, iron man) but is there any other team comp that would be good out of the 3 stars I have

3. Is there any other 3 star worth investing in or attempting to get?

4. if it comes to it, who should I sell out of my lower covered 3 stars. Sentry and spider-man are my two go to sells, but is there any others that I should consider if it comes to it.

5. I have been spending cp on legendary recruit tokens only, and have a couple somewhat leveled up 4 stars. (not counting cyclops as that was from the civil war thing) but should I keep doing the legendary recruit tokens, use them on 3 stars, or save them for later on.

6. roster spots are not a HUGE concern as of right now, because every event I get at least 25 hero points thanks to my alliance, but are they going to be in the near future for me (free to play)

and finally,

7. I have a good ammount of iso right now (almost 300k) but have nothing to really spend it on. should I keep stockpiling?

Thanks for any help


  • Magic
    Magic Posts: 1,199 Chairperson of the Boards
    3* transition is a slow process (but 4* is much slower) - that's just how the game is constructed. If you want to build a roster for any sort of situation you need to be patient. First of all - play PvP and PvE as much as you can. So what if you don't have the essential - you might not get max progression (you should still if you miss only one). Doing this you get guaranteed covers plus the covers for placement plus iso plus hero points. So 400 in PvP can be better for you than skipping it (actually 650 could be best with the extra token if you can't go further).

    For the time being your 2 stars are stronger than 3* so keep using them while you are acquiring covers. Do what you can to beat DDQ (boost? TU from your alliance with big powers?) as this is the only real way to the 3* land.

    I would also advise against using CP on legendary tokens. You will eventually pull a 5* that you will need to sell or it will kill your efforts in PvE with super scaling. Save them for when your roster is ready (and consensus is that ready means multiple 3 and 4* champed).

    In terms of iso - you can bring up the 3* to the level of your 2* - i wouldn't go higher untill you have 4-5 close to maxed covered and ready to rock as maxed 3*. Also - you might need to expand the 2* you have (missing OBWidow, Magneto or Ares who can be your best characters at the start of the game)

    You should save all your HP for slots. Don't waste them on tokens, boosts, health packs (or even shields unless you have a great score and it's close to the end of event).

    Foot note: whenever I said you should (or similar) i mean what I would do in your situation.
  • msp2211
    msp2211 Posts: 47 Just Dropped In
    I'll echo what magic said already. You need a 2* team with chemistry. Mags, obw, Ares plus your storm will help. Do not sell your 3* covers. They are all essential at some point either in DDQ or PVE. Do not buy covers with HP. Only buy roster slots. Do not use your CP. When you have 10 or 15 champed 3* you can start planning your CP uses. Use your iso on the 2* mentioned, and the best 3* (IM40, Kamala, Fist, Cage, Mags) when you have 10 plus covers. You will face tougher and tougher matches as you level your roster. It took me 6 months from having a fully leveled 2* team to get a few solid 3* characters maxed.
  • growlitheisbaws
    thanks for the suggestions, updated roster:

    because of the big enchilada change, I was able to get my 5th green bullseye cover (still trying to get that pesky black)
    and have sold my sentry for obw. I used to have an ares, thor, cap and moonstone, but I sold them all for roster spots and I wasn't able to level them up, (kind of regretting that now, but oh well) but I have 2 more questions

    1. will I be able to get through the 2 star transition with just these 2 stars plus the obw I just added or should I add a couple more


    2. when my roster gets a bit more stable and developed, should I invest in a 1 star for the ddp? (which one if so)
  • iron-n-wine
    iron-n-wine Posts: 495 Mover and Shaker
    the only 1* character I carry is Juggernaught, and thats all you'll need for DDQ
  • Magic
    Magic Posts: 1,199 Chairperson of the Boards
    In 2* I would add Magneto. He works fantastic with storm and hawkeye you already have (his purple to create blue for Storm and trigger H passive). Should help you a lot in DDQ, PvE and maybe some in PvP. That way you should be able to complete DDQ easier and progress to 3* land.

    As for one - Juggs is the thing. He can handle anything in DDQ and the extra 2k ISO for completing it (plus 500 from his node) is no joke for progression.
  • Quebbster
    Quebbster Posts: 8,070 Chairperson of the Boards
    thanks for the suggestions, updated roster:

    because of the big enchilada change, I was able to get my 5th green bullseye cover (still trying to get that pesky black)
    and have sold my sentry for obw. I used to have an ares, thor, cap and moonstone, but I sold them all for roster spots and I wasn't able to level them up, (kind of regretting that now, but oh well) but I have 2 more questions

    1. will I be able to get through the 2 star transition with just these 2 stars plus the obw I just added or should I add a couple more


    2. when my roster gets a bit more stable and developed, should I invest in a 1 star for the ddp? (which one if so)
    You probably want to add at least 2* Magneto to your roster - his Purple works very well with Storm and Hawkeye. Ares and Thor are both 2* powerhouses, so they would easily find their Place too. If you are desperate for roster spots, I Think you could drop Star-Lord and Drax - both are middling fourstars, so having one cover less for each of them eventually won't hurt you.
    You definitely want a onestar to get you through the DDQ, that's 2500 ISO each day (node bonus + DDQ progression bonus if you get through The Big Enchilada). Juggernaut is more than capable of doing the DDQ on his own.
  • Alsmir
    Alsmir Posts: 508 Critical Contributor
    I'm on day 121 (or 122) right now with total of 3 championed 3* heroes. Transition to 3* land sucks super hard. I don't even know, where to start describing, how bad it is.

    1. I have spent a bunch of money to buy hero pints for roster slots. It helps A LOT. Roster as many characters to minimize the risk of losing covers.
    2. Forget about legendary tokens. Especially if you don't have any extra roster slots. Just keep them and use them later.
    3. Focus on solid 2* team first. Thor/Storm/Black Widow was my first good squad. Storm/Magneto/someotherguy works well.
    I have champed most of the 2* characters. You might not be able to do that because of lack of roster slots. It helps a bit, you get some 3* covers, cp, hp from championing.
    4. All your extra hp should go towards roster slots.
    5. My tactic to cheat my way into 3* land was gathering a bunch of different covers. Eventually I had IM40 and Kamala Khan, both at 7-8 covers and I dumped cp into them, to get them championed.
    If you want to do this, pick two really strong 3* characters, who also work together really well.
    Most people will advice you against it, but it's your choice.

    Right now, after those 120 days, I managed to get 1 3* character at full covers without investing any cp into him, my Thor is also at 12 covers right now, and I have few guys at ~9 covers, so roughly that's what you can expect after 4 months.