Veteran but still a Newbie?

primetime21 Posts: 90 Match Maker
edited September 2016 in MPQ General Discussion
Hi Guys,

I've been playing MPQ for well over a year; I am level 59 and almost at 60. For the most part, I've just kind of did my own thing and didn't really pay much attention to overall strategy outside of championing and of course in-game play. I'd like to think I have a pretty good roster, but I've been visiting the boards a lot lately and it makes me wonder if I'm doing something wrong. I see people here that have ****s championed and seem to have a ton of ISO. I rarely have more than 20-30K of ISO at once.

Any suggestions on how I may want to play differently to maximize things? Here are some things that I do (I should note that while I am an active player, I don't really play between 8 AM and 7 PM every day due to work; so I mostly play at nights and weekends):

1) I never delete characters. The only times I have ever deleted characters was recently when I sold my champion **s to start rebuilding them again. So every character I've ever received, I have. I have every one now except Howard, ***** BW, Silver Surfer, ***** Spider-Man, and Wasp.

2) In the past I've always used covers as soon as I've received them. Recently I started trying to save them as long as I can, or at least until I get a second cover and then I upgrade to the next level so I don't get too far behind. It happened to me earlier with HB where I just used covers but didn't upgrade levels and I'm now 355K ISO from maxing his level (same thing for IW). I also open tokens as soon as I get them.

At this point I have all ***s championed except for 13 and no ****s championed (closest are Prof X and XFW). I've got 4 **s championed after selling them all and working on maxing them all our and then selling again.

Anything I'm missing to get a steady flow of more ISO? Or maybe something I'm doing wrong in terms of leveling my characters? I'm not sure I want to start deleting characters as I like having options. But I'd like to have more rhyme or reason to what I'm doing.

Any help would be appreciated--thanks in advance!!


  • philosorapt0r
    philosorapt0r Posts: 36 Just Dropped In
    Nope, being in 3*-->4* transition with a bunch of champed 3*s is totally normal at your stage (I'm in roughly the same spot in the same time-frame, and am definitely more-than-casual). The forum is disproportionately full of (a) long-time vets (longer than you) and (b) hardcore/highly competitive players, often in top 100 alliances, often regularly shield-hopping and/or coordinating in pvp to hit 1k and 1.3k (or higher). All those things lead to faster rates of getting 4* covers, so many more forumites have reached the point where ISO is the limiting factor, rather than covers. You'll get there too, just more slowly icon_e_smile.gif.

    My only suggestion based on your post is to toss most of your 1*s for roster space (you only need 1 for DDQ), and to start saving up ISO rather than levelling non-max-cover or low-tier characters, since 4*s take huge amounts. When you do finish covering your first few good 4*s, you'll be in a much better spot if you can immediately champion them, rather than being ISO-poor because you've taken characters like IW above the ~lvl 120 that is sufficient for beating most 4*DDQ.
  • OneLastGambit
    OneLastGambit Posts: 1,963 Chairperson of the Boards
    I'm just under 400 days so not a lot longer than you.

    Pick a 4* and take them up to level 226 this way if you get an extra cover the cost to champ is 160k or so and very manageable.

    Here's what you should be doing...

    Pve 5 clears per day of all nodes is a tad under 10k per day in iso. (this will also always net you the cp from progression)

    Ddq this is 5k per day in iso

    That's 15k per day in iso which you WILL need.

    You can also aim for the first few progressions during lightning rounds for extra iso.

    That should speed you along your transition

    Hope that helps
  • primetime21
    primetime21 Posts: 90 Match Maker
    thanks for the help guys!!

    I'll try switching things up a bit!