Event challenges

TheLegendDan Posts: 52
edited September 2016 in MtGPQ Suggestions & Feedback
We should be able to see the challenges before selecting a planeswalker to fill a slot in an event.

Example: Rai's challenge

I put my spell casting Jace deck in the top slot because i didn't know the left one was the spell challenge and ended up putting my support heavy Kiora deck in the spell challenge. Obviously i would have chosen differently had I know which was which.


  • shteev
    shteev Posts: 2,031 Chairperson of the Boards
    They were posted in the forum, and were not available to access within the game, and rather unbelievably there are some players on this forum who think that's fine.
  • Theros
    Theros Posts: 490 Mover and Shaker
    I made the same mistake also. I selected the the wrong PWs for each node.
    It's unreasonable to expect players to regularly visit the forums for info. Once wrong PW are selected, its very difficult to complete the secondary objectives. Don't even waste time trying to make it to the top to get saheeli especially. you could play to accumulate points for your coalition.
    Concerning the coalitions, the reward you get are not that exiting to worth all the grind. It does not also help when half or more of you group members are not that active. The burden lies on the active members. In may coalition, we would have raked to 50 or better is half of our members played at least 2 game