Possible bug with Cap Marvel Energy Absorption

dingao666 Posts: 74 Match Maker
i dont know if they change how this skill works
but now (well i just notice this today) when you receive damage from a cascade this passive only procs one time

this happen when i fight Cap America in CW event, dont test on "normal" matchs


  • CrookedKnight
    CrookedKnight Posts: 2,579 Chairperson of the Boards
    You're sure every hit from the cascade was above the EA threshold? the damage dealt by each match scales down as the cascade goes on.
  • dingao666
    dingao666 Posts: 74 Match Maker
    yes , damage is ok

    now playing more times with her , sometimes banner show up 2 times and sometimes banner dont show up and AP is generated
    but sometimes banner dont show up and dont generate AP