how loud do we need to complain about drop rates

huntly Posts: 99
edited September 2016 in MtGPQ General Discussion
With every set that comes out the posts about drop rates become more negative. They seem to find their place in every thread recently. To me it seems that the larger the overall card pool becomes the more it effects the RNG (random number generator) negatively [in both set drop rate and the library during matches].

I've seen JC say "We have systems currently being worked on to have secondary ways to gain cards. I can't divulge too much about it yet because it's not ready, but it is coming." in a post 2 weeks ago but there's no knowing what that will entail. I would love to spend money on this game, its better than paper magic for me because I have noone to play with, but with the price so high for a drop rate so low I'd rather buy a paper booster just to collect a guaranteed rare or better.

If nothing else they should change fat packs to include a guaranteed rare and big boxes to include a guaranteed mythic.