Character Complaints/Wish List/RANT

Jellybat Posts: 29 Just Dropped In
edited September 2016 in MPQ General Discussion
I'm not breaking any new ground here, & feel free to flame away. Just gotta rant a little.

First let me say that I appreciate the frequency of 4*'s for 2016, & overall solid 5* offerings with IM46, Cap, Banner & Black Bolt. That being said, there are some gaping holes in the current roster offerings, & some major head-scratchers that have no business pre-dating some of the glaring omissions. It seems that Demiurge is pushing what Marvel Entertainment feels it needs to advertise, with little attention to what many of the fans & players want to see.

Here goes....

I am not a huge X-Men fan overall, but certainly appreciate their place in comics, & there are some solid X-contributors in MPQ currently. I fail to see, however, why we need 7 variations of Wolverine (including X-23 & Daken), yet have not a single sighting of yellowflag.png Sabretooth/Victor Creed, arguably his biggest adversary. (Yeah I know that would likely be yet another variation of Logan's power set, but TWO Dakens?)

Also curiously absent from X-Men lore are: Gambit, Angel/Archangel, Rogue, Nightcrawler, & Mr. Sinister. We just had another X-movie this summer, with no Apocalypse PVE event, & no Angel or Nightcrawler, despite their visibility in the movie. Is there that big a grudge against Fox?

Instead we got Spider-Gwen, Quake, Howard, Kate Bishop, Peggy Carter, & Moon Knight. None are exactly A-List Marvel talent, & can't imagine any of the polls were loaded with player requests for any of those. Gwen is pretty solid; I'll give you that.

Then we had another recent poll for "Marvel Now", & the choices were pathetic. So, we get the least of 4 evils: Medusa. Who was asking for her? Now we will probably get another winner in Gwen-Pool. I'm kidding, but I'm willing to bet she's on deck somewhere. Demiurge loves these alternate reality toons.

Another niche character, The Hood, has a power called "Dormammu's Aid", but.....where the hell is purpleflag.png Dormammu? Hoping we will get him when Dr. Strange movie hits in November, but color me skeptical. More magic-based characters would be nice.

Just saw the announcement for the new 5* Natasha Romanoff. No big surprise, again, since Marvel Entertainment pushing Civil War & the imminent Blu-Ray arrival. Put an egg-timer on when we see Bearded-Thor in 5* Land, joining Natasha, Tony, Steve, & Bruce. Guessing Hank Barton gets the shaft just like Jeremy Renner on screen, & Kate Bishop is as close as we get to his 5*......whew. Wondering when we will see the Netflix Defenders all get 4* or 5* treatments. Again, there are others more deserving.

Finally, while we also have a glut of Spider-Men (& now a much-needed Jessica Drew), we are still horribly short on his rogues. Green Goblin is awesome, but we need more than Doc Ock, Carnage & Venom x2. Kraven, Mysterio, & Vulture all come to mind, & at least one of those needs some love.

Is the 6* rumor real??? icon_eek.gif

If nothing else, just give us our damn Victor Creed & Remy LeBeau already, we deserve them......rant done. icon_evil.gif


  • hodayathink
    hodayathink Posts: 528 Critical Contributor
    You really, really need to accept that we're not getting any X-Men anytime soon, and that that has nothing to do with the devs/publisher.

    Edit: Or, more to the point, Marvel decides the characters, for the most part, and D3/Demi decide the implementation. If Marvel wants a Civil War character pushed, that's who is going to get pushed. If they want a new Defender variant to coincide with one of the Netflix shows, that's what we're going to get.
  • Mawtful
    Mawtful Posts: 1,646 Chairperson of the Boards
    I've been drawing aces with my wishlist recently. I only just finished crossing off Black Bolt, Wasp, and Spider-Woman; now they've added Black Widow from the Civil War movie, I'm going to have to replace that one too!

    Still no Shocker, which is disappointing, but hopefully they don't add Luke Cage, Medusa, or Dr. Strange any time soon, otherwise I'll have to get cracking on re-writing it ~again~.
  • sinnerjfl
    sinnerjfl Posts: 1,274 Chairperson of the Boards
    Jellybat wrote:
    Also curiously absent from X-Men lore are: Gambit, Angel/Archangel, Rogue, Nightcrawler, & Mr. Sinister. We just had another X-movie this summer, with no Apocalypse PVE event, & no Angel or Nightcrawler, despite their visibility in the movie. Is there that big a grudge against Fox?

    Yes there is, because Marvel sold the X-Men movie rights to Fox back in the 90's for some quick cash they needed.
    Marvel made their MCU and they couldn't use the X-Men so they used the Avengers/Inhumans.
    Quick jump to now and a lot of the X-Men comics have been axed and Marvel is pushing the Avengers/Inhumans a lot.

    Who knows if this is influencing the characters' approval/dismissal of the characters D3/Demiurge wants to do...
  • DaveR4470
    DaveR4470 Posts: 931 Critical Contributor
    Hank Barton?

  • OneLastGambit
    OneLastGambit Posts: 1,963 Chairperson of the Boards
    DaveR4470 wrote:
    Hank Barton?


    The alternate reality story where beast and Clint enter a telepod together and are fused into one character


  • Jellybat
    Jellybat Posts: 29 Just Dropped In
    LOL, you got me there. Errr.....Clint
  • GrumpySmurf1002
    GrumpySmurf1002 Posts: 3,511 Chairperson of the Boards
    Mawtful wrote:
    Still no Shocker, which is disappointing, but hopefully they don't add Luke Cage, Medusa, or Dr. Strange any time soon, otherwise I'll have to get cracking on re-writing it ~again~.

    I'd probably start working on the list now. Just saying.
  • DTStump
    DTStump Posts: 273 Mover and Shaker
    The fact that we have four of the five original X-Men triggers a bit of OCD in me icon_e_confused.gif

    If we ever got another mutant, it would have to be Angel!
  • mpqr7
    mpqr7 Posts: 2,642 Chairperson of the Boards
    I would add in more minorities... LGBT, Latin American, Asian, South-Asian, Middle-Eastern...

    We actually have pretty decent representation of woman and black characters.
  • westnyy2
    westnyy2 Posts: 194 Tile Toppler
    I understand the Marvel sold the movie rights and blah blah blah. We still seem to be getting plenty of Spider-Man content and Deadpool (also FOX) is also featured quite a bit in this game. There's even a little thing called DDQ featured daily which is centered around the FOX owned character.

    It is obvious the push is on the MCU and current comics and new characters but I believe we will see more X-Men at some point. Look at the current 5's:

    Surfer (FOX)
    Phoenix (FOX)
    OML (FOX)
    Goblin (SONY)
    Iron Man (DISNEY)
    Cap (DISNEY)
    Natasha (DISNEY)
    Hulk (DISNEY)

    Quite the mix. Unless you have proof that some big wig at Marvel issued a mandate with the halt of all mutant powers then it's all speculation. I'm willing to bet we see another mutant real soon.
  • Dragon_Nexus
    Dragon_Nexus Posts: 3,701 Chairperson of the Boards
    Vulture is going to be the villain to Spider Man homecoming next summer, so I expect he'll show up around then.
    I agree, Mysterio would be a very welcome addition to the roster.

    Thing is, in general Marvel doesn't have the best rogues gallery. They tend to have the better heroes.
    That said, Baron Zemo would be cool as well, I liked seeing him in action in the spring Pleasentville series. I'm still hoping for God Doom, though with Secret Wars far behind us I think it's unlikely.
  • Legasher
    Legasher Posts: 67 Match Maker
    edited September 2016
    It seems pretty clear that the mutants are getting swept under the rug a little, and Inhumans are being set up to take their role in the Marvel Universe. However, a lot of the X-men are being put in places that we still get to see them do their thing so I expect we'll continue to see them added, just sporadically. Personally, Kitty Pryde is my favorite superhero overall and I really want them to make a version (or 5) of her. Maybe when she becomes Star-Lady...

    But really what it comes down to is that there are a lot of characters and a lot of variations of those characters that people want to see. And lets face it, we all have a favorite superhero, and while many of the most popular are represented, there are a lot missing. So while I agree that it would be great to see Victor/Sabretooth/Dog, I think saying that they're ignoring those surveys just because they've added characters that you didn't ask for is silly. I can attest that Daisy and Miles were mentioned on every one of my surveys (along with Fitz-Simmons, Jessica Jones, Raina and of course, Kitty Pryde) until they were implemented. I also want to see a "Man-in-the-Black Mask" Daredevil and a Jennifer Lawrence Mystique, but I'm not holding my breath.

    Edit: *Facepalm* I did not mean MCU Mystique. Would that be FCU? XCU?... Meh.
  • ZootSax
    ZootSax Posts: 1,819 Chairperson of the Boards
    DaveR4470 wrote:
    Hank Barton?


    The alternate reality story where beast and Clint enter a telepod together and are fused into one character



    With Disney owning the rights to Marvel, maybe it's some kind of Black Hole/Avengers/X-Men crossover?
  • hodayathink
    hodayathink Posts: 528 Critical Contributor
    westnyy2 wrote:
    I understand the Marvel sold the movie rights and blah blah blah. We still seem to be getting plenty of Spider-Man content and Deadpool (also FOX) is also featured quite a bit in this game. There's even a little thing called DDQ featured daily which is centered around the FOX owned character.

    It is obvious the push is on the MCU and current comics and new characters but I believe we will see more X-Men at some point. Look at the current 5's:

    Surfer (FOX)
    Phoenix (FOX)
    OML (FOX)
    Goblin (SONY)
    Iron Man (DISNEY)
    Cap (DISNEY)
    Natasha (DISNEY)
    Hulk (DISNEY)

    Quite the mix. Unless you have proof that some big wig at Marvel issued a mandate with the halt of all mutant powers then it's all speculation. I'm willing to bet we see another mutant real soon.

    Except for the fact that the three Fox ones were the first 3 released, and we haven't had another X-Men related character since around then. Sony is good because of the deal they struck with Marvel Studios (which is why we have gotten Spidey related characters since then like 4* Venom, Miles, and Spider-Gwen).

    And the trick is that this isn't just about this game. This is about all Marvel related mobile games. There haven't been any mutants since late last year not only in MPQ, but in every other Marvel mobile game as well.
  • DrDoMe
    DrDoMe Posts: 97 Match Maker
    I don't care about a stupid corporate grudge. There's no justification for putting out yet more variants on existing X-Men and not just adding some of the glaring vacancies!
  • We_are_Venom
    We_are_Venom Posts: 308 Mover and Shaker
    Mawtful wrote:
    I've been drawing aces with my wishlist recently. I only just finished crossing off Black Bolt, Wasp, and Spider-Woman; now they've added Black Widow from the Civil War movie, I'm going to have to replace that one too!

    Still no Shocker, which is disappointing, but hopefully they don't add Luke Cage, Medusa, or Dr. Strange any time soon, otherwise I'll have to get cracking on re-writing it ~again~.

    I can't tell if this is serious.
  • OneLastGambit
    OneLastGambit Posts: 1,963 Chairperson of the Boards
    Vulture is going to be the villain to Spider Man homecoming next summer, so I expect he'll show up around then.
    I agree, Mysterio would be a very welcome addition to the roster.

    Thing is, in general Marvel doesn't have the best rogues gallery. They tend to have the better heroes.
    That said, Baron Zemo would be cool as well, I liked seeing him in action in the spring Pleasentville series. I'm still hoping for God Doom, though with Secret Wars far behind us I think it's unlikely.

    Spider man alone has an excellent rogues gallery. Cap has a pretty good one too. Iron Man sucks aside from Mandarin.

    Avengers is a tad threadbare and their villains would likely be bosses anyway.

    Marvel cinematic universe rogues is poor but comics is actually pretty plentiful. I could probably name 5 Or 6 spidey villains and 2 or 3 Cap villains off too of my head who would be great additions
  • Nightglider1
    Nightglider1 Posts: 701 Critical Contributor
    Cap has a pretty good one too.

    Oooh! Batroc ze Leapair!
  • Jellybat
    Jellybat Posts: 29 Just Dropped In
    Speaking of Cap villains, I neglected Red Skull in OP. He's in the Lego Marvel & Avengers games, so should be in MPQ. Maybe Fin Fang Foom for IM rogues......I kid.