Extreme long shot, but anyone here from SealOfGiants?

DarthDeVo Posts: 2,178 Chairperson of the Boards
edited August 2016 in MPQ Alliances
I'm a member of this public alliance (IGN SarajEvO) and I play on a Kindle Fire HDX. For whatever reason, the chat feature is not functional on the app using this device.

Anyway, the question was posed by hyros x asking if we should be Team Cap or Team Iron Man for the new Civil War. Personally, I would prefer Team Cap as it has more rewards I want/need and the roster is a better fit for me.

Even if we go Iron Man, I'll probably play Cap as much as I can to try and get as many of those rewards as I can.

But, that's just my two cents. It's what I would have sent over chat, if the feature wasn't borked for me.