Fly-Fight-Win - Season XXXI - Aug 31 - Sep 03

Moon Roach
Moon Roach Posts: 2,863 Chairperson of the Boards

This Event:
icon_caroldanvers.png Modern

New Characters:
SpiderWoman_icon.PNG Jessica Drew (I preferred Julia Carpenter...)

This Week:
icon_invisiblewoman.png Classic
icon_carnage.png Cletus Kasady
icon_warmachine.png James Rhodes
icon_miles.png Spider-Man

icon_captainamerica.png Steve Rogers Super Soldier
icon_loki.png Dark Reign
icon_humantorch.png Classic
icon_daredevil.png Man Without Fear
icon_squirrelgirl.png Unbeatable

icon_wolverine.png Astonishing X-Men
icon_ares.png Dark Avengers

icon_ironman.png Model 35
icon_storm.png Modern

Single Player Rewards

1. All rewards from the previous rank + SpiderWoman_icon.PNGblackflag.png
2-5. 5000 iso8.png, 100 imcoin.png, 2 commandpoints.png, icon_punisher.pngblackflag.pnggreenflag.pngredflag.png
6-10. 2000 iso8.png, 100 imcoin.png, 1 commandpoints.png, icon_punisher.pnggreenflag.pngredflag.png
11-25. 1000 iso8.png, 50 imcoin.png, 1 commandpoints.png, icon_punisher.pnggreenflag.pngredflag.png
26-50. 1000 iso8.png, 50 imcoin.png, 1 commandpoints.png, icon_punisher.pngredflag.png
51-100. 500 iso8.png, 25 imcoin.png, icon_punisher.pngredflag.png
101-200. 500 iso8.png, icon_thor.pnggreenflag.png
201-300. 250 iso8.png, icon_thor.pnggreenflag.png
301-400. 2x Standard Token, 140 iso8.png
401-500. Standard Token, 70 iso8.png

Progression Rewards:

25. Standard Token
50. 100 iso8.png
100. +3 All Boosts redtile.pngyellowtile.pnggreentile.pngblacktile.pngbluetile.pngpurpletile.png
200. icon_wolverine.pngyellowflag.png
300. Event Token
400. 25 imcoin.png
500. 1000 iso8.png
575. 25 imcoin.png
650. Event Token
725. 50 imcoin.png
800. icon_caroldanvers.pngblackflag.png
850. 1000 iso8.png
900. Event Token
950. 1000 iso8.png
1000. icon_cyclops.pngblueflag.png
1300. 25 commandpointsbig.png

Alliance Rewards:

1-2. 5000 iso8.png, 250 imcoin.png, icon_punisher.pngredflag.png
3-10. 5000 iso8.png, 100 imcoin.png, icon_punisher.pngredflag.png
11-25. 3000 iso8.png, 100 imcoin.png, icon_punisher.pngredflag.png
25-50. 2000 iso8.png, 100 imcoin.png, icon_punisher.pngredflag.png
51-100. 1000 iso8.png, 50 imcoin.png, icon_punisher.pngredflag.png
101-250. 1000 iso8.png, 50 imcoin.png
251-500. 500 iso8.png, 25 imcoin.png
501-1000. 500 iso8.png
1001-10000. 250 iso8.png

Ending Time Countdowns

Slice 1
Slice 2
Slice 3
Slice 4
Slice 5

Previous Runs

2016 04 20 - Season XXVI
2015 11 25 - Season XXI
2015 07 08 - Season XVI
2015 06 01 - Season XV
2015 01 20 - Season X
2014 10 31 - Season VII
2014 09 08 - Season V
2014 07 28 - Season IV


  • Nabistay
    Nabistay Posts: 146 Tile Toppler
    I really want to get 1k in this PvP, but that has become increasingly harder and harder for me. Looking at my roster, does anyone have any suggestions on what to run?
  • Bowgentle
    Bowgentle Posts: 7,926 Chairperson of the Boards
    Nabistay wrote:
    I really want to get 1k in this PvP, but that has become increasingly harder and harder for me. Looking at my roster, does anyone have any suggestions on what to run?
    You shouldn't have a problem getting 1k with Jeanbuster.
    Unless you're playing S2, in which case you need to get out of S2.
  • Moon Roach
    Moon Roach Posts: 2,863 Chairperson of the Boards
    Bowgentle wrote:
    Nabistay wrote:
    I really want to get 1k in this PvP, but that has become increasingly harder and harder for me. Looking at my roster, does anyone have any suggestions on what to run?
    You shouldn't have a problem getting 1k with Jeanbuster.
    Unless you're playing S2, in which case you need to get out of S2.

    And that's one of the things that ticks me off about MPQ. There's seldom any "who works well with this event's featured character, and who's boosted". 90% of the time people are using OML + Phoenix or a buster or the same team they use regardless of the event.

    Not doing that is probably the reason I rarely hit 1000 in PVP. Maybe I need to change my priorities.
  • Bowgentle
    Bowgentle Posts: 7,926 Chairperson of the Boards
    Moon Roach wrote:
    Bowgentle wrote:
    Nabistay wrote:
    I really want to get 1k in this PvP, but that has become increasingly harder and harder for me. Looking at my roster, does anyone have any suggestions on what to run?
    You shouldn't have a problem getting 1k with Jeanbuster.
    Unless you're playing S2, in which case you need to get out of S2.

    And that's one of the things that ticks me off about MPQ. There's seldom any "who works well with this event's featured character, and who's boosted". 90% of the time people are using OML + Phoenix or a buster or the same team they use regardless of the event.

    Not doing that is probably the reason I rarely hit 1000 in PVP. Maybe I need to change my priorities.
    He doesn't have any other useful 4*s, check his roster.
  • CT1888
    CT1888 Posts: 1,201 Chairperson of the Boards
    Moon Roach wrote:
    Bowgentle wrote:
    Nabistay wrote:
    I really want to get 1k in this PvP, but that has become increasingly harder and harder for me. Looking at my roster, does anyone have any suggestions on what to run?
    You shouldn't have a problem getting 1k with Jeanbuster.
    Unless you're playing S2, in which case you need to get out of S2.

    And that's one of the things that ticks me off about MPQ. There's seldom any "who works well with this event's featured character, and who's boosted". 90% of the time people are using OML + Phoenix or a buster or the same team they use regardless of the event.

    Not doing that is probably the reason I rarely hit 1000 in PVP. Maybe I need to change my priorities.

    What I tend to find I do is work my way up with a few different combos, varying slightly depending on who the main character is, then once I hit a points threshold (700-900 depending on event/ rate of climb with other teams/ etc.), then shift to Jeanbuster to push for 1000 (unless I have a good different boosted 4*).
    It can get a bit monotonous for sure.

    But Jeanbuster with boosted Captain Marvel tanking 3 colours? Yes please, I would like the extra red and black.
  • Moon Roach
    Moon Roach Posts: 2,863 Chairperson of the Boards
    Bowgentle wrote:
    Moon Roach wrote:
    Bowgentle wrote:
    Nabistay wrote:
    I really want to get 1k in this PvP, but that has become increasingly harder and harder for me. Looking at my roster, does anyone have any suggestions on what to run?
    You shouldn't have a problem getting 1k with Jeanbuster.
    Unless you're playing S2, in which case you need to get out of S2.

    And that's one of the things that ticks me off about MPQ. There's seldom any "who works well with this event's featured character, and who's boosted". 90% of the time people are using OML + Phoenix or a buster or the same team they use regardless of the event.

    Not doing that is probably the reason I rarely hit 1000 in PVP. Maybe I need to change my priorities.
    He doesn't have any other useful 4*s, check his roster.

    What, let things like facts get in the way of a rant? Inconceivable.
  • Nabistay
    Nabistay Posts: 146 Tile Toppler
    I stopped playing PvP a few seasons ago when I saw that I couldn't get enough ISO to stay competitive, and decided to focus on PvE to try and get enough CP to get tokens and hopefully expand the 4* I have. With the deficit of ISO and lack of boosted 4* I am having a really hard time competing against constant championed Red Hulks in this tournament. It feels like I either need OML (who I have 3 covers for and cannot get any more to drop) or two of the boosted 4* championed. I am burning through health packs at a rate that cannot be sustained and I have not even cleared 600 points yet.
  • optimus2861
    optimus2861 Posts: 1,232 Chairperson of the Boards
    Man, Marvel has a lot of health to chew through when most of what you see are fellow max-champ rosters. Unless you're very good with stuns, it's hard not to trigger her yellow at some point, and then you're likely eating a black. More likely you eat more than one before the match is over.

    Very health-pack heavy event. I'm tossing this one aside at < 400 points.