Suggestion for change for shielded players

dsds Posts: 526
I'd like to suggest that shielded player be visible to everyone in pvp. However shielded players lose no points when attacked. Additionally attacks on shielded players only yield half the points they would normally get.

This change will have many benefits.
1.) Players who hit 800 and shield and expect to be top 100 may need to fight some more and can't just hide behind a shield to keep the rank.
2.) Other players will be able to hit more progression rewards as this will slightly increase the amount of points in a bracket
3.) This will help unpopular pvp events such as the non season mightiest heroes, nefarious foes, etc. Because they are normally starved for points.
4.) This will free people from skip prison as they will now be able to hit shielded players to gain 50% of the points. It is assumed that shielded players being visible will give other players more choice of the teams they want to hit and thus it should in theory give them an easier fight most of the time and thus why the 50% less points would be acceptable to them.
5.) Lower amounts of points gained from hitting shielded players do not discourage people from hitting those targets because there is no retaliation so there is no worry that the shield player will take back more points than the attacking player has gained.
6.) This will help alleviate the problem where some people don't get seed teams and are immediately faced with rosters with 4-5 star characters on the first fight of the pvp event.
7.) This will help a little bit in the lack of iso. Less skipping equals less iso use, meaning people have more iso to use to level up their characters.
8.) MMR can be narrowed a little bit more so that people are fighting other players that are the same level because shielded players are visible so they can fight those people all day long
9.) Lower level rosters that are not shielded can stand a chance of fighting in pvp. Currently many new players do not play pvp simply because they are attacked far too often. If the pool of attackable players increase, they will less likely appear on people's queues. Also lower leveled roster players are more likely to find manageable matches to gain more progression rewards.


  • wirius
    wirius Posts: 667
    I would love this, but I'm fairly sure its very intentional that you cannot his shielded players. This serves to keep the progression points competitive. Allowing only nonshielded members to be hit ensures only a certain percentage or certain level of roster can hit 1k and beyond.
  • dsds
    dsds Posts: 526
    well actually it won't give out too many 1000pt progression rewards. I'll admit it will give out maybe a little bit more than now, but not a whole lot more. If your roster isn't good enough to get to 1000 pts, once you hit 800, people will still go after you. Who wants to hit a shielded target for half the points when they can hit an unshielded one for full points. Your float points maybe slightly higher, but it is still going to be pretty tough to get 1000 pts.

    I know I will be able to hit 1000pts easier because I am 3-4* transitioner. I need that 1000pt goal to keep progressing. Yet I rarely hit 1000pts due to how broken the pvp system is now. Right now, a 2-3* transitional player probably has a really tough time getting 800pts to get their 3* cover.
  • Ding
    Ding Posts: 179
    I think the problem with your suggestion is two-fold. The most obvious is that it would increase the chances of a person coming out of a shield for a hop getting hit. Secondly, it doesn't punish people for joining closer to the end enough.
  • dsds
    dsds Posts: 526
    I think it should be pretty easy to code something in to say that points are lost only if shield was down when the match started.

    People who start later, have a higher chance on losing out on progression rewards. And also the first person who starts the bracket will have the advantage as well because he/she can also hit shielded people for points. The thing to keep in mind is that hitting shielded players only give half the points, so people will still be looking for unshielded targets, as that is still the fastest way to climb. This is especially true for late climbers.

    Basically being able to hit shielded players at reduced points gain is to avoid skip jail. But all the other mechanics are mostly untouched. When you are shield hoping, you'd still probably want to hit unshielded players to for the most efficient hops. People who gain a lot of points by hitting shielded players will still likely have to shield otherwise someone will hit them for full points.

    Skip jail is really the target for this suggestion. It's not a perfect solution but I'd much rather prefer this than to the current skip jail where I have a bunch of lvl 450 5* for like 20-30 pts each while I have no 4* championed. I'd much rather hit a shielded player for 20pts to just be able to keep going even if I get knocked back down because my pts gain is too slow (and will likely get attacked by other looking to gain full points to get to the progression rewards faster). At the very least, it appears more to be in my control.