More Event Objectives

malafein Posts: 65 Match Maker
I really enjoy the SOI events with their optional objectives for bonus points.
I'd like to see more events with these sort of objectives and have a couple suggestions related to that.

1) Ideally, game or match breaking bugs wouldn't make it into release builds, but it does happen. It can be frustrating to "lose" a match due to a bugged card causing a lockup. It would be less frustrating if some objectives could still be completed and awarded from lost matches (or ones quit due to being frozen). Even without bugs killing the match, it'd still be nice when you legitimately lose a match to get something for your efforts. Maybe it was a really close match, or managed to meet some difficult or unusual objectives.

2) More optional objectives in each match. If there are several different or even unrelated ones in each match, then different decks could approach the match with different strategies in mind for various rewards. You don't necessarily have to be able to achieve all of them. It's okay if it's not even possible to complete all of them with one deck. That would also help make the matches a little less monotonous. I think with there being 3 or 5 nodes, there is already pretty good variety, but being able to change up your deck with the locked-in planeswalker between matches to get various different bonus objectives would be fun.

3) During the ongoing events, there could be more long-term event-long objectives. A few quick examples:
- Cast X Spells or Types of Spells
- Summon X Creatures or Type of Creature (I would enjoy trying out more themed decks)
- Destroy X Creatures or Types of Creatures
- Cast X Supports
- Deal X damage
- Receive X damage
- Win X matches as X color Planeswalker
- Win X matches against X color Planeswalker
- Win X matches in less than X number of rounds
- Win X matches in more than X number of rounds
- Win X matches casting more than/less than X of X
- Win X matches taking/dealing more than/less than X damage

4) Not really related to event objectives, but events in general - I'd like to see some shorter length events. A more focused timespan. Not all players have the time to play all available matches over 2 days time. Have events that last 2, 4, 8 hours.