DjangoUnbuffed RECRUITMENT: ... is now closed.

HailMary Posts: 2,179
edited March 2014 in MPQ Alliances

We welcome Forge, Spider-America, and JulietLima to the fold! We will live long and prosper, especially if it gets us frequent-flyer miles and even more Thors.

Update: We welcome Tannen as our final Djangolier! Recruitment is now closed.



  • HailMary
    HailMary Posts: 2,179
    edited March 2014
    Those who have already applied in our previous recruitment thread are already being considered for membership. We have not forgotten about you. Ergo, no need to repost applications. But, feel free to tell us more about how completely awesome and amazingly fun you are, or sing ballads about Glory of the Djangoliers and dirges about the demise of our foes, of course.

    So, I am Zero, Madjam, Milambus, Deadpool55, Jorgon, Mooseman, Tannen, uuddlrlr, ebodibo, Excelon, fret not, your names are still churning about in the little machine that spits out our membership-decision fortune cookies.
  • Is YourNameHere a new member as i cant seem to find them in our alliance. *snigger*
  • HailMary wrote:
    So, Madjam, Milambus, Deadpool55, Jorgon, Mooseman, Tannen, uuddlrlr, ebodibo, Excelon, fret not, your names are still churning about in the little machine that spits out our membership-decision fortune cookies.

    So, i suppose "fret" is me ? OK...Time to kill myself, i just kidding...or not...
  • Hello,

    I would like to join your team. I currently have 33 skins With highest being punisher lvl104 and rising little by little
    I am very active player and usually one way or other I reach top50 ( it is hard for me because events usually finish around at 7am in my country) however I always try my best to reach the top an during pvp events I at least reach 600points. I also got got won 2 skins of invisible woman and wolverineX from tournaments.
    Hope I am qualified and would be happy to join you
    Best of luck,
    In game nick: Sliopka
  • I've already applied in game (JDT55) for when that cookie with my name on it appears!!! All you gotta do is hit the accept button. Come on you know you want to!!!
  • So, I have an 8" tongue and can breathe through my ears...oh wait, wrong forum.

    Seriously, I have been playing games since the days of the TRS-80 and cassette tapes. I went to college at UNC-Chapel Hill so while I am not against Orange as a color per se, I do prefer Carolina Blue the most. I am an engineer/project manager at the world's largest PC company so I get to play with cool technology before it hits the market. I am definitely not the life of the party but if you appreciate sarcastic wit, I am the guy for the job.

    I am married with 2 young kids so occasionally life/job might hinder my ability to play 24/7. However, I can accomplish quite a lot efficiently, especially with the current rubber banding! I will certainly be able to contribute in many ways to the common goals.
  • I_am_Zero
    I_am_Zero Posts: 92 Match Maker
    Since I posted in the previous thread and my name isn't in the list below, does this mean I was rejected and no longer part of the potential candidates?
    HailMary wrote:
    Those who have already applied in our previous recruitment thread are already being considered for membership. We have not forgotten about you. Ergo, no need to repost applications. But, feel free to tell us more about how completely awesome and amazingly fun you are, or sing ballads about Glory of the Djangoliers and dirges about the demise of our foes, of course.

    So, Madjam, Milambus, Deadpool55, Jorgon, Mooseman, Tannen, uuddlrlr, ebodibo, Excelon, fret not, your names are still churning about in the little machine that spits out our membership-decision fortune cookies.
  • I am Zero wrote:
    Since I posted in the previous thread and my name isn't in the list below, does this mean I was rejected and no longer part of the potential candidates?
    HailMary wrote:
    Those who have already applied in our previous recruitment thread are already being considered for membership. We have not forgotten about you. Ergo, no need to repost applications. But, feel free to tell us more about how completely awesome and amazingly fun you are, or sing ballads about Glory of the Djangoliers and dirges about the demise of our foes, of course.

    So, Madjam, Milambus, Deadpool55, Jorgon, Mooseman, Tannen, uuddlrlr, ebodibo, Excelon, fret not, your names are still churning about in the little machine that spits out our membership-decision fortune cookies.

    Hailmary just missed your name. You are still there, too. icon_e_smile.gif
  • freakygeek
    freakygeek Posts: 96 Match Maker
    My first screen
    GSBW:141, IM40:132, Punisher:125, Spider-Man:120, Hulk:102, Daredevil:91, Ares:85, C-Storm:85
    Got 4 more screens after that including 2 cards each for both of the 4*'s

    ISO's are currently being put towards Punisher and once he is 141 Spider-Man gets them. My IM40 was my fist maxxed 3* but I no longer use him unless I have to. Daredevil could go significantly higher but who uses him anyway?
  • HailMary
    HailMary Posts: 2,179
    I am Zero wrote:
    Since I posted in the previous thread and my name isn't in the list below, does this mean I was rejected and no longer part of the potential candidates?
    Fixed! You are certainly still being considered. My bad! icon_mrgreen.gif
  • HailMary wrote:
    We welcome Forge, Spider-America, and JulietLima to the fold! We will live long and prosper, especially if it gets us frequent-flyer miles and even more Thors.

    As such, pending final acceptances, we now have one or two more slots to fill.

    I feel so ALIVE!
  • HailMary
    HailMary Posts: 2,179
    I feel so ALIVE!
    You should feel awesome about your triumph! It was a huge success!

    Now mush, minion! icon_lol.gif
  • I have the same question as I am Zero (except that's already been cleared up, lol). I had posted on the original thread (at least I think it was the original thread) and don't see my name listed for consideration. If I didn't make the cut, that's cool. Just inquiring so I know to keep looking or not.
  • I would like to apply. My current roster of note is 115 patch, 110 punisher, 85 OBW, 85 Ares, 71 A. Wolv, 70 Spidey, 67 BP, and 60 MN Mags. I am currently working on leveling up Hood and BP once I can get more covers. Patch and punisher are also looking to move to 141. I do play a lot and place well in most pvp and some pve tournaments. In game name raistlin618 Thanks for your time.
  • I would like to apply. My current roster of note is 115 patch, 110 punisher, 85 OBW, 85 Ares, 71 A. Wolv, 70 Spidey, 67 BP, and 60 MN Mags. I am currently working on leveling up Hood and BP once I can get more covers. Patch and punisher are also looking to move to 141. I do play a lot and place well in most pvp and some pve tournaments. In game name raistlin618 Thanks for your time.

    Ahhh, I have such fond memories of reading the Dragonlance books when I was younger.
  • dlaw008 wrote:
    I would like to apply. My current roster of note is 115 patch, 110 punisher, 85 OBW, 85 Ares, 71 A. Wolv, 70 Spidey, 67 BP, and 60 MN Mags. I am currently working on leveling up Hood and BP once I can get more covers. Patch and punisher are also looking to move to 141. I do play a lot and place well in most pvp and some pve tournaments. In game name raistlin618 Thanks for your time.

    Ahhh, I have such fond memories of reading the Dragonlance books when I was younger.

    Lol, very few people know where that name came from. I really wished they made a good movie trilogy for war of the lance. It has so much potential.
  • HailMary wrote:
    Those who have already applied in our previous recruitment thread are already being considered for membership. We have not forgotten about you. Ergo, no need to repost applications. But, feel free to tell us more about how completely awesome and amazingly fun you are, or sing ballads about Glory of the Djangoliers and dirges about the demise of our foes, of course.

    So, I am Zero, Madjam, Milambus, Deadpool55, Jorgon, Mooseman, Tannen, uuddlrlr, ebodibo, Excelon, fret not, your names are still churning about in the little machine that spits out our membership-decision fortune cookies.

    Did you say fortune cookie? I should definately be chosen then, due to the fact that I'm asian! I can be the token asian guy, that way no one can accuse you guys of being racist icon_lol.gif did you know i like barbie girl? Thats one of my favorite songs. Its on my work out playlist next to Eye of the Tiger. Anyhow, so happy i picked up my first *** Thor from previous Juggernaut round. Im still pissed off from getting **** from Tech error on previous Hulk event, but i guess thats the way life rolls sometimes. I was one of those people that couldnt access Hulk event for 3 days, so i only got 3 wolvs instead of ***Thor. Anyhow, thanks for not ruling me out yet. Peace out, im gonna go dance to Barbie Girl icon_cool.gif
  • HailMary
    HailMary Posts: 2,179
    Mondo wrote:
    I have the same question as I am Zero (except that's already been cleared up, lol). I had posted on the original thread (at least I think it was the original thread) and don't see my name listed for consideration. If I didn't make the cut, that's cool. Just inquiring so I know to keep looking or not.
    Hi, Mondo. Unfortunately, you are no longer being considered for membership.

    We're very flattered by your interest, though, and we wish you luck in finding an alliance worthy of you!
  • ^Cool. Thanks for letting me know.

    Good luck guys!
  • HailMary
    HailMary Posts: 2,179
    Excelon wrote:
    Did you say fortune cookie? I should definately be chosen then, due to the fact that I'm asian! I can be the token asian guy, that way no one can accuse you guys of being racist
    Azn pride, what-what? icon_e_biggrin.gif