Thing in the ice freeze bug

Morphis Posts: 975 Critical Contributor
Thing in the ice transformation froze the game for me.

My side of the field was:
A 4/4 scion(spawn by from beyond in 4 turns)
Thing in the ice at 7 life
A 8/8 thopters(spawn in 2 turns by a
Spy thopter network)

Chandra opponent on her turn uses 2nd skill
Kills my scions hat gave me mana
Thing and thopters take damage
Thing transforms destroying the tokens

Game freeze.

On a side note, do not know if it is the source of the freeze but it COULD a that toke scion token "died 2 times"
Once cause of damage
Once cause of thing transform bounce(if I remember correctly scion were still in play at 0 life when thing transformed).

Hope it gets fixed