**** Nightcrawler ****

therightwaye Posts: 459 Mover and Shaker
edited August 2016 in Speculation and Concepts

Level 270: HP: 7247

blackflag.png Teleportation - 15 blacktile.png AP
Nightcrawler is able to avoid damage by teleporting away. Nightcrawler has also been known to be able to teleport others.

Place countdown tile (3). Nightcrawler teleports away before taking damage while counter is on the board. Negating damage (When NC would normally take damage).
If the timer is match before it expires, place shield tile of 55. For every damage Nightcrawler would take, place an enemy strike tile as Nightcrawler becomes weak due to teleporting.

Level Upgrades:
Level 2 - Timer increases to 4
Level 3 - Choose a target, that character is also protected by Teleportation power
Level 4 - Timer increases to 5
Level 5 - Create two timers

blueflag.png Prehensile Tail - 9 bluetile.png AP
As the enemy is about to make a match, Nightcrawler teleports in and steals from the enemy.

Randomly place 4 traps. When those traps are matched by enemy damage is dealt normally, but AP is stolen to Nightcrawler team.

Level Upgrades:
Level 2 - place 6 traps
Level 3 - place 8 traps
Level 4 - place 10 traps
Level 5 - place 12 traps

redflag.png Sneak Attack - 12 redtile.png AP
Nightcrawler teleports behind enemy and hits them where they are weakest.

Nightcrawler does 200 damage ignoring shields

Level Upgrades:
Level 2: Nightcrawler deals 225 damage to the target enemy.
Level 3: Nightcrawler deals 279 damage to the target enemy.
Level 4: Nightcrawler deals 312 damage to the target enemy.
Level 5: Nightcrawler deals 399 damage to the target enemy.

At Max Level:
Level 3: Deals 890 damage.
Level 4: Deals 999 damage.
Level 5: Deals 1149 damage.