**** Arch-Angel ****

therightwaye Posts: 459 Mover and Shaker
edited August 2016 in Speculation and Concepts

Level 270: HP: 9878

blueflag.png Attack from Above - 15 bluetile.png AP
Angel takes flight. He uses his flight agility to avoid attacks. He then fires back a volley of metal feathers at the enemy team.

Creates a blue countdown tile of 3. While timer is on board Angel is airborne. <Passive> While airborne do 33 per enemy special tile on board to the enemy team.

Level 2 - damage increases to 50 per tile
Level 3 - timer increases to 4
Level 4 - damage increases to 65 per tile
Level 5 - fortify timer

blackflag.png Cheyarafim Healing - 8 blacktile.png AP
While grounded Angel takes an opportunity to channel dark energy to heal himself.

Gain 5% health but create 3 strike tiles for enemy (strength 33).

Level 2 - 8% health + 4 enemy strike tiles
Level 3 - 12% health + 5 enemy strike tiles
Level 4 - 15% health + 6 enemy strike tiles
Level 5 - 18% health + 7 enemy strike tiles

redflag.png Wing Blades - 7 redtile.png
Angel uses his wings to slash his enemies

Do 412 damage.

(passive) free attack exiting airborne at 2x damage.

Level Upgrades:
Level 2: Angel deals 479 damage to the target enemy.
Level 3: Angel deals 514 damage to the target enemy.
Level 4: Angel deals 565 damage to the target enemy.
Level 5: Angel deals 644 damage to the target enemy.

At Max Level:
Level 3: Deals 1120 damage.
Level 4: Deals 1450 damage.
Level 5: Deals 1901 damage.


  • moss04
    moss04 Posts: 147 Tile Toppler
    I really like the mechanics of the Attack from Above ability involving the airborne status and dealing automatic damage each turn while he is above. Awesome. I think I would get rid of the countdown however and just give him either 2 or 3 turns of airborne status. Or possibly keep the countdown, but the countdown only triggers the team damage and doesn't control the airborne status.

    I also think it's too expensive. I imagine it's probably because of the very strong synergy with Wing Blades, but I feel that cost should be entirely contained within Wing Blades. It also feels a little unthematic for the feather damage to be based off of enemy attack tiles rather than friendly attack tiles, but I'm not sure if I would change it because it works well as a punish power for attack tile generators and can be fueled internally by the cheyarafim [sp?] healing. I would reduce the cost to either 9 or 10 AP and then and tweak the damage so that at max level it was averaging about 1000 team dmg per turn around 7 enemy strike tiles (so about 140-145 per tile). If the CD only controls the dmg you could add another dmg boost to the fortification at 5 covers (to achieve the 140-145).

    I would then remove the passive from wing blades. Maybe replace it with a small damage bonus from freindly attack tiles (maybe + 250 per tile up to 5 tiles max, at max covers), and have the power create red friendly attack tiles when fired (thematically this would a 'bleed' effect).