While doing wave attacks, character photo changes

TheAlphateam Posts: 25 Just Dropped In
I've noticed it for a few releases now. When I'm doing wave fights and I get to the last person in that wave and they are very low on health the character will switch to one from the next wave. For example, lets say I'm fighting 3 goons, 2 are dead and I'm making a cascade that will eventually kill them or almost kill them. Their character picture will switch to say DoomBot, but the character traits stay of the Goon. Then in the next wave...hey there is DoomBot.


  • zodiac339
    zodiac339 Posts: 1,948 Chairperson of the Boards
    The photo has been doing this for a long time. Hey, try this one! Doing Deadpool Daily 2 wave mission, I put out a Magnetic Flux. I downed the second-to-last enemy (minion) and the last enemy (Captain America if I remember) moved up. But it wasn't his portrait! Instead, the next wave's first enemy showed (another minion?) and took its turn, making a match, and then ending its turn. Magnetic Flux downed the enemy, and the next wave moved in. So this shows just how much pre-calculation the system does. My turn wasn't even fully resolved, and the AI said to itself "Well, this guy's going to die. Might as well put in the next wave's portrait now."