Game Freexe - Volcanic Upheaval

Fiddler Posts: 251 Mover and Shaker
Playing in Quick Battle against Chandra: UI cast three Volcanic Upheavals in the same round. Game froze.
We know the game still occasionally freezes but that it is not the same as the previous issue (5 matches, was it?)

Perhaps this will provide a clue.

I will watch for the same spell, or for when any spell is cast multiple times in the same round.
It would be nice to be able to duplicate the freeze and narrow down the issue.


  • Reaganstorme
    Reaganstorme Posts: 334 Mover and Shaker
    Fiddler, keep an eye out for if the opponent has a card with full mana when the game freezes.

    We are currently suspicious of Devour in Flames as posted in this thread. It is a cheap cost (3 mana) uncommon that no one has reported seeing resolving when played by the AI.
  • Dodecapod
    Dodecapod Posts: 96 Match Maker
    Fiddler, keep an eye out for if the opponent has a card with full mana when the game freezes.

    We are currently suspicious of Devour in Flames as posted in this thread. It is a cheap cost (3 mana) uncommon that no one has reported seeing resolving when played by the AI.

    Just for the record, I'm about 99% certain that I have in fact seen the AI cast Devour in Flames correctly in the past, and finished at least a few such games without incident, but to be fair it's been a while since then, and at the time I didn't think to take a screenshot because it didn't seem like an especially remarkable event. That was before the red PW freezes became as notorious as they are now, but not necessarily before a few unfortunate victims began to encounter some issues against red.

    Beyond that, I couldn't say more about what might be involved with the freezes, other than to look forward to having the issue resolved whenever the devs are able to track down their can of extra-strength Raid and kill that bug dead.