**** Longshot ****

moss04 Posts: 147 Tile Toppler
edited August 2016 in Speculation and Concepts
Emphasis on Longshot's primary abillity of miraculous luck.
Additional info: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Longshot#Powers.2C_abilities_and_equipment

Longshot (Classic) star.pngstar.pngstar.pngstar.png

Level 270: HP: 13995 Tile Damage: 65/11/13/12/83/74/4.5x

greenflag.pngLucky Shot - Cost: 8 greentile.png AP
Creates a fortified 1-turn green countdown tile and then destroys 5 random tiles. These destroyed tiles deal damage but do not generate AP.

While one of these countdown tiles is on the board, new tiles have a 10% extra chance to be greentile.pngblacktile.png or yellowtile.png .

Level Upgrades
    Level 2:
20% extra chance, destroys 6 tiles.
Level 3: 30% extra chance, destroys 7 tiles.
Level 4: 40% extra chance, destroys 8 tiles.
Level 5: 2-turn fortified countdown tile.

blackflag.pngFan of Knives - Cost: 12 blacktile.png AP
Deals 448 damage to the enemy team, then creates up to 1 random Critical tile.

Level Upgrades
    Level 2:
713 damage.
Level 3: 2 Critcal tiles.
Level 4: 869 damage and 3 Critcal tiles.
Level 5: 1710 damage.

Max Level - 3385 damage.

yellowflag.pngAlien Biology - Passive yellowtile.png
(PASSIVE) When a critical tile gets matched (either you or the enemy) Longshot heals for 409 and destroys 1 enemy special tile.

Level Upgrades
    Level 2: Heals for
Level 3: Destroys 2 enemy special tiles.
Level 4: Heals for 1172.
Level 5: Heals for 1537 and destroys 3 enemy special tiles.

Max Level - Heals for 3047.


  • ErikPeter
    ErikPeter Posts: 719 Critical Contributor
    Interesting. His abilities are conceptually really simple, but cool. I imagine he would sometimes flounder and then spring back hard as a lucky Lucky Shot rained a **** ton of green for crits and let you do it again, followed by Fan of Knives and then more candy. Sounds like he would be really fun to play--sort of aggravating to play against, but at least the nature of Fan of Knives means you'd steal some of those crits against his team too.

    The increased chance for additional green on LS may be OP and lead to lots of infinite turns... BUT since Green is the typical tile destruction power, it's mitigated somewhat, plus the tiles are green and could be destroyed/matched on the turn it's used, and destroying just 8 random tiles often doesn't lead to cascades, which would only increase slightly if the balance was shifted to blacktile.pnggreentile.pngyellowtile.png .

    I love that 5/5/3 and 4/4/5 look like viable builds. Even though his healing power is really restrictive, I think his kit would end up triggering it a lot, and the extra bit of special tile destruction is a swell perk. One Fan of Knives makes 3 crits, which is (effectively) guaranteed to cause 1 heal, and probably 2-3. He almost feels like he could have a few less Health; Wolverine tier might be a bit too low. Eh testing would figure out where he goes.

    So he seems bonkers strong, but at the same time, all of his damage is in tile/match/crit damage (besides the middling AoE on FoK) and he has a passive heal for God's sake, in other words, he's probably pretty balanced.

    Fantastic spec. I love how streamlined he is, and yet really different and exciting. And I can't think of anything I definitely think you should change...
  • moss04
    moss04 Posts: 147 Tile Toppler
    ErikPeter wrote:
    Fantastic spec. I love how streamlined he is, and yet really different and exciting. And I can't think of anything I definitely think you should change...

    High praise from a talented designer. Thanks.

    It's hard to tell how well/consistently he would heal without actually playing him. He does have accelerated healing in the comics but it was not on par with full regen like wolverine et al. Thematically I definitely wanted it to reflect a lucky bounce back into action. So it could be lowered maybe depending on how often it triggered. Or maybe just less total health... hard to say, maybe it even is balanced as is.

    I did, at some point, do the math on the percentages of blacktile.pnggreentile.png and yellowtile.png . Assuming that without other factors there is an even chance of each of the 7 types (is that true?), it goes from a little over 14% for each color at 0 covers to 27% for blacktile.pnggreentile.png and yellowtile.png each, and around 4.5% each for the other 4. Even though that's three colors instead of one, the big concern would be having a cascade be magnified out of control. I would think that it wouldn't be too obscene because enough cascading would break even a fortified tile. But those percentages would also need some finely tuned balancing/testing.