Roster slots are too expensive.

BraneDedDev Posts: 59
I have 64 slots (495 days, could be almost double without the numerous long breaks), #65 will cost me 850 HP, up from 800. Is it increasing by 50 every 5? With, what now, 109 characters in the game(less?) you honestly expect me to pay $250 for enough HP (47,250) to slot them since, sans the star.png, are all needed at some point in essential nodes? My tokens will continue to read 99+ forever, because of no free slots it's not worth losing covers. It will get worse with the speed at which characters are presently released...

Profit drives the bus, I get it, but gouging your players make them get off at the next stop. Please reduce the price of roster slots, without having the characters rostered there is no reason to play this game.


  • Bowgentle
    Bowgentle Posts: 7,926 Chairperson of the Boards
    Slots cap out at 1000 HP.
  • HxiiiK
    HxiiiK Posts: 195 Tile Toppler
    Bowgentle wrote:
    Slots cap out at 1000 HP.

    still arguably high though, with the speed of releases they really ought to lower it or start giving out roster slots as some sort of prize for some event
  • Bowgentle
    Bowgentle Posts: 7,926 Chairperson of the Boards
    HxiiiK wrote:
    Bowgentle wrote:
    Slots cap out at 1000 HP.

    still arguably high though, with the speed of releases they really ought to lower it or start giving out roster slots as some sort of prize for some event
    Devs gotta eat somehow, Slots are the only thing that makes them money.

    Well, except buy clubs for 5* covers.

    1000 is OK - us crusty old vets make more than that per week, all others simply have to put in money at some point in time.
    Or face agonizing decisions every time they pull a new character.
  • FaustianDeal
    FaustianDeal Posts: 760 Critical Contributor
    after the 40th or 50th slot that you spend 1,000 HP to purchase you start to forget how much that number stings. Oh for the days when the roster was small and roster slots could be had for only 500 HP...
  • mpqr7
    mpqr7 Posts: 2,642 Chairperson of the Boards
    I have all 2*s and 3*s championed, and I sell off my max-champ'd 2*s and start again. With relatively little play, I gain 1000s of HP regularly, so this is not an issue for me.

    Currently I'm just doing ddq regularly, pvp up to around 500 points and barely any pve.

    I win most of my HP from 2* and 3* champion rewards, plus the fact that I generally only shield in pvp at most once, so I spend very little of it.

    Sometimes I even buy daily special 100 hp vault tokens, since I have so much extra hp.

    It takes time to champion all 3*s, but anyone can champion all 2*s pretty easily, and that's a good first step.
  • They can eat but at these prices they will be obese in no time, or starve to death as vets move on for more entertaining games and new through middle tier players give up entirely.

    They make plenty on HP for shields and 40 pack conversion, a gross overage compared to the content value, they shouldn't gouge us on slots. I wouldn't suggest this game to any new players, would you? Everyone I have in the past has quit over prices.

    No I'm not suggesting the death of MPQ but sales would be much better with reasonable prices but I guess if they are content with a declining, has it recovered from the XFW nerf, player base and living off whales until they get bored and bail... but why not multiply their transactions at a smaller rate. At these prices there will be no sale from me and I'm not alone.
  • HxiiiK
    HxiiiK Posts: 195 Tile Toppler
    Bowgentle wrote:
    HxiiiK wrote:
    Bowgentle wrote:
    Slots cap out at 1000 HP.

    still arguably high though, with the speed of releases they really ought to lower it or start giving out roster slots as some sort of prize for some event
    Devs gotta eat somehow, Slots are the only thing that makes them money.

    Well, except buy clubs for 5* covers.

    1000 is OK - us crusty old vets make more than that per week, all others simply have to put in money at some point in time.
    Or face agonizing decisions every time they pull a new character.

    For me 1000 is juuuuuust at that sweet spot where I'm still able to earn it every week while staying relatively free. One may argue the better source of revenue are still the buy clubs that throw in thousands regularly, but I suppose the roster prices do occasionally cause some newbie to throw in a couple bucks, but those are rather short-lived

    tl;dr, I cut it close every new release, would like to have some breathing room
  • SnowcaTT
    SnowcaTT Posts: 3,486 Chairperson of the Boards
    Good luck on this one.

    Here I am asking for this in suggestions almost TWO YEARS AGO:

    I think their vast majority of spending from players in the first three months are roster slots, and they probably want to keep that.

    The champion feature helps (more occasional HP drops), but what really "helped" me is taking away the option to spend HP anywhere else. Without being able to purchase covers, might as well purchase slots. I've dropped my long-time crusade for this was my first demand for a fix for over a year.

    Some things have become MUCH bigger issues in the meantime (RNG-only progression being a big one).
  • veny
    veny Posts: 834 Critical Contributor
    Even with higher frequency of new releases of covers its pretty easy for free player to buy enough slots.
    Man, i would agree with you like a year ago, but not now... a lot of free HPs added with championing system and selling improvements... blaming DEVs for being greedy would not be fair in terms of roster slots...
  • A year ago, give or take, they did lower the cost per slot and restructured the daily resupply to include more HP in the early going (which was met with a lot of "but I paid!"complaints vs "but as a result you've achieved" argument). Since then, with essential 4* flooding the scene it should really be looked at again.

    Looking at rosters, in every pve and pvp bracket daily, the starting players aren't spending on slots like they would be with reasonable prices. Rather they are skipping 90% of 2*'s and all of 3*, have between 1-4 single covered 4*/5*. It's embarassing killing their depressing little team for points. Is it safe to assume, if it's ever safe, that those players aren't going to have an experience warranting long term play or spending?

    I'm not saying make it free but not spending because prices are asinine and hoarding tokens until free HP rolls in is boring. I bet I'm not alone as a would be buyer. To put it in perspective at these prices I'd rather buy my kids multiple somethings that they don't need/want/will break in a week, take the family out repeatedly or do any of a million other things not called "give MPQ my money".
  • I agree the non-existent ISO and RNGeezus mocking us are huge issues. I have no faith in that changing in the next year. DPD gave the 3* era more ISO, now what do they do?

    I disagree that HP from championing mitigates the roster price. Since you need the covers (hoarded tokens, no slots), the ISO (there is none) and the slots to begin with (3* players sold most 2* for 4* space. So sell the 4*? Then you miss the thousands of points from essential nodes, don't make rank (no free HP) and hurt your alliances over all score making commanders stay up all night for mercs). Personally, I will manage, but I'd rather take the easy way out.

    Or lower the price and make the money go further. Then ride the wave of new, happy customers. It worked for Wal*Mart.
  • mckauhu
    mckauhu Posts: 740 Critical Contributor
    No need for cheaper roster slots. You will get them if you prioritize them as number 1 and you can build roster the way you like and you WILL lose at first tons of covers as it is meant to be.
  • bonham2
    bonham2 Posts: 20 Just Dropped In
    HxiiiK wrote:
    Bowgentle wrote:
    HxiiiK wrote:
    Bowgentle wrote:
    Slots cap out at 1000 HP.

    still arguably high though, with the speed of releases they really ought to lower it or start giving out roster slots as some sort of prize for some event
    Devs gotta eat somehow, Slots are the only thing that makes them money.

    Well, except buy clubs for 5* covers.

    1000 is OK - us crusty old vets make more than that per week, all others simply have to put in money at some point in time.
    Or face agonizing decisions every time they pull a new character.

    For me 1000 is juuuuuust at that sweet spot where I'm still able to earn it every week while staying relatively free. One may argue the better source of revenue are still the buy clubs that throw in thousands regularly, but I suppose the roster prices do occasionally cause some newbie to throw in a couple bucks, but those are rather short-lived

    tl;dr, I cut it close every new release, would like to have some breathing room

    How? How can you earn 1000 HP in a week? You've been playing WAY longer than I have (I've been playing for less than 2 months). Roster spots cost me 400 HP right now. I've been doing everything in my power to earn HP and I've only gained 200 in about the last week. I play every PvE event as much as possible and play the PvP until I reach the HP (usually 400 on the daily events and 1000 on the higher events). I have a few championed 2* characters that get me HP as well. How are you getting 1000 per week???
  • Bowgentle
    Bowgentle Posts: 7,926 Chairperson of the Boards
    bonham2 wrote:
    How? How can you earn 1000 HP in a week? You've been playing WAY longer than I have (I've been playing for less than 2 months). Roster spots cost me 400 HP right now. I've been doing everything in my power to earn HP and I've only gained 200 in about the last week. I play every PvE event as much as possible and play the PvP until I reach the HP (usually 400 on the daily events and 1000 on the higher events). I have a few championed 2* characters that get me HP as well. How are you getting 1000 per week???
    PVP is slightly net positive since I climb late and usually use two shields tops,
    So that's about 150HP per week.
    PVE progression and usually t10 each sub.
    Daily rewards, random taco pulls.
    Plus champion rewards. LOTS of champion rewards.
  • Quebbster
    Quebbster Posts: 8,070 Chairperson of the Boards
    Bowgentle wrote:
    bonham2 wrote:
    How? How can you earn 1000 HP in a week? You've been playing WAY longer than I have (I've been playing for less than 2 months). Roster spots cost me 400 HP right now. I've been doing everything in my power to earn HP and I've only gained 200 in about the last week. I play every PvE event as much as possible and play the PvP until I reach the HP (usually 400 on the daily events and 1000 on the higher events). I have a few championed 2* characters that get me HP as well. How are you getting 1000 per week???
    PVP is slightly net positive since I climb late and usually use two shields tops,
    So that's about 150HP per week.
    PVE progression and usually t10 each sub.
    Daily rewards, random taco pulls.
    Plus champion rewards. LOTS of champion rewards.
    I was able to stay roughly HP neutral before the champion system launched just by getting top 50 in each PvE sub and using at most two shields per PvP. It's a lot easier now though with the two-star farming...